
What do you consider fat? pics?

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which pictures do you consider fat?







let me know! i wanna see how people are thinking these days about weight




  1. I consider 2 and 3 to be fat.

    I consider 1 to be underweight.

    I consider 4, 5 and 6 to be average.

  2. 2,3,4

  3. Definately 2 and three. 4 and 6 are kind of....but not rlly. how can 5 be a plus size model???? shes HOTT!!!

  4. I think number 1 is the only ok size, i mean shes about average right? she looks great the others look like plums (really round faces) xxxxxx

  5. 2 and 3. I really like 6. I think she's pretty, and not anorexic like 1. 4 is kinda weird because personally, I wouldn't stand on a toilet.

  6. I second numbers 2, 3 & 4. The rest are just "chubby" except for #1 who's looks way underweight.  

  7. i would consider 1 and 5 to be thin and the rest fat.

  8. in my opinion, 1 is way too skinny.  2 needs to lose some weight but I wouldn't really call her fat.  3 is what I definitely classify as "fat"  4 is average to chunky  5 looks good but could stand to lose 10 pounds maybe and 6 is overweight and could stand to lose a few.  

  9. 1 is far too thin

    2 is overweight

    3 is obese

    4 is slightly overweight

    5 is normal and very pretty

    6 is gorgeous and voluptuous but looks healthy

  10. 1. Disgustingly skinny.

    2. Looks good. Not fat. How a woman should look.

    3. Either fat or needs a better bra.

    4. Average size. Definitely not fat.

    5. How I would expect a thin model to look today. Too thin to be plus-size.

    6. Average size. Not fat.

  11. 1. too tooo tooo skinny jeez

    2. overweight

    3 overweight

    4. they have something on them but they arent fat u know more avg

    5. madd hot :)

    6. avg powfect :)

  12. 2,3,4,6

  13. only 3.

    the first one is like, a little too skinnyyy.

    the second one is a bit chubby but not like, seriously fat.

    4 and 6 are normal to me.


    edit: forgot five lol.  five is va-va-va-voluminous lol.  curvy but in a good way

  14. Numbers 2 & 3 are huge.  

    Number 1 is too thin but still very young.  She needs to add about 15 pounds.  

    Number 5 is Hot!  I like a woman with a little meat on her.  Can I get her phone number?

    Number 4 and 6 are a little heavy but not too bad.

  15. i would say 2 and 3.

  16. 2, 3, 4, 6 are obese and 5 is borderline fat (or just big boned). 1 is too skinny though

  17. 1 is disgustingly skinny

    2 is chubby

    3 is fat

    4 is average

    5 is freaking hot and just right

    6 is larger/big boned but still beautiful

    To the people saying number 1 is the only good one, your insane.  I would never touch that girl, she looks nasty.  Give me number 5 or 6 anyday.

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