
What do you consider the most annoying and repetitive questions asked in the baseball section?

by Guest59548  |  earlier

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I vote for:

* Will (insert team here) sign Bonds? (asked 2-3 times a day)

* Who is the greatest pitcher of all time? (asked 2-3 times a day)

* Am I good? (kids begging for compliments - asked at least 5 times a day)

* How much is this card (or ball) worth? (why ask here? Get a beckett guide and quit wasting people's time - asked 10 times a day minimum)

* What kind of job can a 14 year old do (I applaud everyone here for reporting this as soon as it appears)

* Will Bonds (McGwire/Sosa/other juicers) get in the Hall of Fame? (asked 2-3 times a day)

What am I missing?




  1. Biggest one is when someone gives a list of so-so players and ask if they should be in the Hall of Fame: Whitaker, Trammell, Parker, Rice etc. If they were Hall of Famers they would be there!!!!! They are not and no matter how many times you ask that question its not going to increase their chances of getting elected in!!! A lot of the ones they ask about are past the eligibility deadline anyway!!!!

    2." Does anyone  know what happened to "so and so" I wish they'd come back, I sure do miss them"!!!    They got kicked off because they violated Yahoo rules and should be banned! They make idiotic responses and they get what they deserve, no sympathy from me, good riddance to them!!

    3. The people that are tired of getting kicked off for rule violations that come on and say "This is my last question, I'm taking a break for a while because I'm a big baby" wanting people to feel sorry for them and beg them to come back!! Good riddance once again to those people and they know who they are!! Then you end up seeing them on again the next day!!!

    4. The" I'm 14 and can throw 80 miles an hour, am I good" questions!!! It isn't even a question it's more or less some kid or dork bragging about themselves wanting people to drool over them and inflate their already melon-sized head and egos!

    4. What was the score of the (insert teams names) last night? This is a big pet peeve for me as well. If you have enough internet savvy to type in a question you have enough to type in and look the darn score up yourself!!!

    5. The people that get on and say "(Insert team) suck!" Get a life people! That's what makes people hate other teams when so-called fans get on and do nothing but ridicule and put down someone because of the team they root for. I don't hate any teams in baseball but I do hate some of the fans of those teams!!

    6. This year the "Should Josh Hamilton have won the home run derby?" No he shouldn't have because he lost!!!! The rules are the rules and he knew them going in. Morneau had more stamina than he so Morneau won, get over it!!!

    Thats all I got for now but I'm sure there are tons more!! Good question!!!!

  2. "Who is the greatest player ever?" -- when asked about pitchers at least there's a little wiggle room, plus the entertaining delusions of the Ryan faction, but player? It's Ruth, it's long been Ruth, it likely always will be Ruth, so write this one down in indelible ink and move past it. Ask about second best, or the next ten, or something else. Best == Ruth. (Note the period after Ruth, which should be pronounced.)

    Anything involving the reinstatement of Rose or Jackson or, and this rarely happens but it does hum quietly out there, the other seven Black Sox. They get reinstated when either "permanent" expires (the defined durations of their respective expulsions) or they are innocent. Suns reach nova faster. (Bonus obnoxious points: trying to exonerate Jackson by implying he was a complete idiot, typically by citing his illiteracy.)

    "Who won the game last night?" -- Do these people still have Mommy spoon-feed them Gerber's banana pudding, too? (This is often disguised, poorly, as an attempt to woof about one's team, which makes it no better.)

    The 14-year-old noise is obvious spam, that shouldn't even count.

    There's others, but my point is made.

  3. Who's better: Yankees or Red Sox?


    Who's better: Cubs or White Sox?

    i can't stand those questions!!

  4. "Who will win (the world series, or any series or game)?"

    you can't predict the outcome of sports events, that's why we love sports in the first place.

    "how do I do (something) in MLB the show?" I always read this as "I'm too lazy to read the instruction book that came with the video game and I'm too stupid to figure it out myself"

    Plus I'd like to give an honorable mention to the question

    "Where do visiting teams stay when they play in (city)?" Its not like your going to waltz into the hotel and start hanging out with players at the bar and getting autographs. Ever heard of security guards?

  5. Will the Red Sox win the World Series this year?  

    For the last time, no.

  6. Who is your Favorite team and player

    this ( team name) team that

    (team name) Fans

  7. 1. Why is baseball boring?

    2. Who should the Mets give the Rockies for Holliday?

    3. Who will win (insert date here)'s game, (team) or (team)?

  8. .................................

  9. Who do you think will be in the WS?

  10. It's GOT to be: What is soandsos walk up music.

    Either listen to the d**n thing or ask in music!

  11. Any flat out statement! Followed by a question mark.

    Get real.

    No statement is ever a  question, unless it asks for an answer, such as Who, What , Where, When, or Why and some times Will or Should or Could or Would or Shall.

    I am not even going to mention the poor grammar of some questioners.

  12. "Will the Yankees make playoffs????" (and all its variations)

    I am so, so sick of seeing this question.

  13. am i good is my least favorite, and just about any question who complains about other questions, sound familiar.

  14. I'm 3 yrs old I throw 88 MPH and have a great curveball. Can I get into the majors? That is the most annoying type of question ever.

  15. Who will win the WS (not a bad question but its annoying bc it doesnt take 10 million ppl to ask the same question)

    Is baseball boring

    c**p about the a-rod thing (shouldnt even be in the baseball section)

    People asking what channel/time a game is on (because theyre to lazy to look)


  16. I dont answer questions on baseball very often, but when I do go here, usually the first question I see is :

    "Who is the best baseball coach of all time?"



    lol, just one of those things that annoys me, I guess...

  17. Who's going to win the World Series/make the playoffs?

    Who's your favorite team/player?

    How do I get better at...

    That last one kills me - it's called "get on a team and talk to your coach".

  18. Could be any number of questions that someone who is familiar enough with the Internet to find this forum should have the sense to find in a much easier way.

    Things like 'Did the Yankees win last night?" (Not that there aren't hundreds of ways to find that out in about 10 seconds) or "Are my seats to the Cubs game any good -  I paid $100 bucks for them (stupid on a couple levels - again, pretty easy to find a Wrigley seating chart, and why would anyone buy a seat to anything without knowing if it was any good.) or 'What is Derek Jeter's batting average?

    I would like to add my congrats to the good folks (including myself - stretching to pat myself on the back) who have managed to get the "What can I do to make money?" questions removed pretty quickly. Now if we could only finish off the Root Zoo boneheads, and the jerk who repeatedly makes fun of Ron Santo's battle with diabetes and Derrek Lee's daughter's illness.

  19. Why do Americans call it the World Series when other countries don't play?

  20. Running through a list of names if such and such a player is a first ballot hall of famer and some not even close to ever being in the hall of fame

  21. Anything about the Yankees or Red Sox.

  22. I vote for a question like this that has nothing to do with BASEBALL !!!!!!

    Other then that there are no stupid questions .

  23. Instant replay..they talk about this every time a home run is hit its ridiculous!! this is not the NFL

  24. Don't forget the "tournament" questions. Usually about what is a better stadium.

    Oh, and the "Are Seats X, in Row Y, Section Z at Park A any good?" - Just look up the stadiums website, there is probably a seat finder/view from the seats.

  25. Who is your favourite team and why?

    Seriously, people have nothing better to ask?

    I'm with you on the card question, too. People need to face the fact that the Evan Langoria card that came in their 2008 Topps package is worth about a penny...

  26. The A Rod - Jeter questions. ...........Is A Rod better than Jeter? Is A Rod jealous of Jeter?

  27. * Am I good? (kids begging for compliments - asked at least 5 times a day)

    * How much is this card (or ball) worth? (why ask here? Get a beckett guide and quit wasting people's time - asked 10 times a day minimum)

    These two are the worst that I see on your list...add in "who is your favorite Team" and "Where can I find (insert player here)'s phone number"

  28. Who's your favourite player/team?

    Yankess or RedSox ?

    Yankees Suck ?

    jheez stop those already

  29. any question that includes both the yanks and red sox

    "are the red sox or yanks better?"

    "which fans are better, yanks or red sox?"

    and many many more

    or questions that people ask only to put down the yanks or red sox. for example some one is a red sox fan, and asks "what team has the worst fans" and then they answer their own question with 'yankee fans are the worst"

  30. Why is baseball boring or any other "dork" combination.

  31. Who's your favorite team? Who's your favorite player? It's not I don't like the questions, it's just I've answered them so much. Also, the ones where people say baseball is boring in their questions, those questions are SOOOO Annoying! That's why when I ask a question, I try to make it different or a more rare question. =]

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