
What do you consider to be more natural?

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A deep abiding friendship between a man and a man

or a deep abiding friendship between a woman and a man

or a deep abiding friendship between a woman and a woman.

Please answer honestly. There is nothing sexual about the nature of this question. It is about friendship.

What do you suppose are the strengths and drawbacks of these relationships?




  1. Woman to woman friendship, hands down!

    Men aren't influenced as strongly as women by emotional ties.

    Woman aren't driven as strongly as men by non-living ideals.

  2. Weird. I'd never really thought about this before, and I'd like to think my instinctual answer is . . . anyone can be friends with anyone. But I think I'm more inclined to believe that a deep, abiding friendship between a woman and a woman is more natural.

    I wonder why that is.

    Women, in my opinion and experience, tend to be more open and emotional with one another. This is a stereotype, of course, but it is my experience. That is the strength.

    The drawback is that women aren't always honest with each other out of pettiness.

  3. I think most natural is the deep abiding friendship of man and woman - yin and yang. Harmony and balance have a greater possibility of existing in complementary forms.

    The next most natural to me is the friendship between two men. Men seem to respect one another in competition; they build each other up through competition. Men make comparisons in actions, objects; they are *other* focused. They recognize their own value unto themselves.

    A friendship between two women can have a supportive quality but women are by nature competitive *within* their relationships. They spend much time comparing themselves to other women and thus harmony and balance suffer. Women are least likely to accept unattractive qualities in others and judge more.

    By design, a friendship between a man and a woman are meant to be the most natural. It's our Creator's will that we are best of friends in marriage.

  4. any of the above.

  5. I'd also have to say all of the above.  Maybe it's because I'm g*y, and have found deep abiding, non sexual friendships with women.  I've also seen it between women.  And I have also had deep abiding friendships with men, which have also never been sexual.

    I think there are no drawbacks to such relationships, which are base upon mutual respect and care for each other.  When relationships are based upon that, usually nothing comes up that will hurt it.

  6. I think all friendships are "natural"

    men are afraid to be seen "affectionate" in public. yeah, they claim they are buddies for life and hang out a lot, but they don't seem to be totally real to each other. peer pressures make them watch football, drink beer, and act different around other men in general.

    women are great around each other, but are very vain to each other, always have a need to be better than other women- relationships, kids, jobs, looks, housing and more.

    a man and a woman are just so "fake" around each other, especially while dating. But they can also just be natural afterwards, because they are trying to connect.

    Friendship is natural no matter the gender, but there are always flaws to every situation.

  7. None of the above.

        A deep abiding friendship between a man an his dog.

  8. All of them...being a woman I wouldn't really know the strength between a man and a man but I know a couple of guys who have been friends for a really long time and always seem to get along really well. Between my best friend and I, we get along with everything and will always be there for each other. I guess the least would be between a man and  woman because most couples end up getting a divorce (at least in usa)

    the way I figure that between man and man , and woman and woman, the friends will always be there each other and between man and woman not always (know what I mean?)

    anyways I hope I answered your question correctly I felt like I babbled...

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