
What do you consider to be "expensive" for foundation? Do you think $13 is ok?

by Guest57990  |  earlier

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What do you consider to be "expensive" for foundation? Do you think $13 is ok?




  1. WOW thats a rly good price!! my mom pays like over a hundred dollars for watever she does

  2. $13 dollars should be okay as long as it is a good brand. =]

  3. sounds good, especially if it is a name brand like clinque.

  4. thats GREAT for foundation.

    once i bought a seventy dollar foundation and it worked like c**p!!

    than i bought a 7 dollar one and it was soo MUCH NICER!!

  5. I've tried all kinds of foundation, ranging from cheap to expensive...I'd say $13 is pretty cheap...however, I don't like to spend a lot on my cosmetics, so I buy Cover Girl TruBlend foundation. It goes on smoother than many of the department store varieties I have tried over the years.

    I think it just boils down to personal preference. Don't worry about the price - just buy what you think makes you look & feel the best. :)

  6. Honestly, most high end foundations start around $22 and go up to move than $75.  If you can find a nice one that lasts, matches your skintone, and has a nice texture and finish for $13- go for it!  I recently changed from high end foundations to a $12 drugstore one and LOVE it.  

  7. $13 is quite good. You can probably find cheaper but you'll get what you pay for.  I've used Lancome at around $40 a bottle but actually found my best foundation at Clinique for $19.50.  Consider how long a bottle may last you...if you think that bottle will last two or three months then it's a bargain!  

  8. i think expensive is 40-50+. i pay about 30 for mine and love it. i think  its worth it.

  9. mine is $25, so $13 sounds great to me

  10. yeah its ok the kind i get is like 60 but it comes with other stuff.

  11. yeah thats great! if it works for you I would buy it!

  12. Theres actually a lot of foundation that is really good for a cheaper price but if the foundation works great on you then $13 is not so bad. I pay about $50 for both liquid and powder foundation.  

  13. the highest I'll go is about $40 for a high end brand foundation. $13 is a great, cheap price if it works for you. i have a $13 one and it's probably just as good as my high end

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