
What do you consider was the worst mistake you ever made in life?

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and what did you do (if anything) to rectify it? and, if you could go back in time, would you change your actions in any way?




  1. Not going to the doctor. 15 years of bs and it could have been solved by a simple pill.

  2. I am only 20 years old so im sure ive many more to make but so far my biggest mistake is, being afraid to make any. I feel like i missed out on so much of my youth by worrying too much about making mistakes and what people thought of me. I hope to rectify this by writing a list of all the things I want to do in life and not let anybody or anything hold me back. I have finaly realised that mistakes are just experiences its only our attitude that makes them bad but if we choose to learn from them they can actually be good. To answer your other question, surprisingly I would'nt go back and change anything beacause I may not have turned out to be the person I am now. I beleive everything happens for a reason - now is my time x*x

  3. Not listening to my counselor in high school who told me to get a verbal ability oriented job. I didn't listen and wound up doing that anyway, but at a much lower level of compensation because I studied things that didn't really suit my personality profile.

  4. Not killing my stepfather when i was 12 how did i rectify it I'll have to whisper get closer lol

  5. My worst mistake was cheating on my wife and hiding it from her. She found out, felt totally betrayed and so I asked her to leave me. The hurt I caused her is unrectifiable (that's probably not a real word), but I made the divorce as easy as I could for her and "paid" for my idiocy literally and figuratively.

    Four years later, many wounds have healed for both of us and I'm grateful for the genuine civility that we now have.

    I still live with deep regret though I'm very pleased that she has been able to move on and is a happy person again. For various reasons including alcohol and depression I have not moved on as successfully.

    I tend not to dwell on what if's (it's too painful!), but all I can say is that I wish I had not hurt her in any way, definitely.


  6. Leaving home too soon; looking back, I was way too young and made many destructive errors through being so immature. I finally got my life back on track with the help and support of family and friends.

  7. dunno, the way i treat my mum sometimes, i would defiantly take back some of the things i said if i could but i can't ( although she said some nasty things to! )

  8. Dating this girl and it turn out that she cheated on me 3 month after we went out.

  9. My worst mistake was not planning out my life. Goals, plans, sub-goals, SMARTER objectives, tasks and the like seemed like things to send you to the land of nod.

    But they can be effective tools in getting what you want.

    I drifted around for quite a few years until I found out the power of getting organised and thence breaking monstrously large goals into lots of small do-able tasks under a plan.

    Can't change the past and it is pointless to continue to brood on it. The only thing you should do is to write down (ink on paper) what lessons you learnt from these major mistakes. That is something you can take forward. Some things you can rectify - others you can't. Learn to tell the difference and move on.    

  10. My s*x change... being a guy isnt all its cracked up to be...

  11. Not giving Pamela Anderson a second helping when she begged for it.

    Always regretted that.


  12. It is a waste of time to fret over past errors.  Accept that you are not perfect, try to do better, and move on.  If you don't you will get caught in that worry loop for the rest of your life.  That would be a real waste.

  13. " There are no such things as mistakes , i prefare to call them learning curves "

  14. not tell ppl that i love that i love them enough times

  15. The worst mistake - cheating on my husband.  Yes if I could do it all over again I'd do it all different.

  16. not act on a feeling b/c i had low confidence at the time/ i was a chicken sh*t

  17. 1st mistake...Not graduating high school. (I did get my GED at the local community college when I was 17.)

    2nd mistake...Not going to college. I do plan to go next year when my youngest child starts school. I'll be 29 then, but oh well, better late than never, right?

  18. trying to kill myself  

  19. Nothing is a mistake unless you make it so. When things don't turn out as you'd hoped the situation can sill teach you things... you can learn what doesn't work. The only way to learn is through DOING and that will me tripping over and getting into a pickle now and again. A mistake is only a mistake if you learn nothing from it and keep repeating the same action time after time... knowing you will keep getting the same (unsatisfactory) result.  

  20. Being Born

  21. I have killed one of my pet Guinea pig once, that is something I really regret , please forgive me....

  22. I don't make mistakes

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