
What do you convey to others when you put on a ring with the female sign on it?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a girl.




  1. I'd say it's a L*****n thing. (no offense - just what I'd think if I saw someone with one)

  2. I would think she is either a feminist or a riot grrl.

    (riot grrls are punk rock feminists, their ideology is slightly different)

  3. people will think u r a femenist. that is thier sign if that is what u r talking about.

  4. AS you can see, everyone thinks it means something different.  I would see it as a declaration of something important to the wearer and ask what it represents... but I would presume female empowerment or g*y.

  5. If you're a woman than it probably means that you're an advocate for female empowerment.  If you're a male than maybe you really like women?  Maybe you're a womanizer?

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