
What do you could "fix" the country?

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This is what I think should happen:

1) Do something about Brown (although all the politicians seem to be the same)

2) Get rid of the immigrants who can work but refuse to leeching off the benefits system, and those who can't speak English and have no intention to learn.

3) Stop translating things into every other language at the most English French and Spanish .

4) Close the borders or get an immigration system like Australia's

5) Go into a sort of isolation for a while

There's probably more that I forgot to put, but tell me what you think. Feel free to disagree on of my points, I know they're probably flawed.




  1. I agree with the first answerer - PC is destroying UK.

    I was in Paris a while back, enjoying myself in the red light district of Montmartre.

    The French don't have 'elf and safety rools' nor do they pay any attention what-so-ever to PC, which they all know is just a commie trick thought up by the Communist Party of Paris in the 1920s.

    People need to wise up.

    The Paris Communist Party invented political correctness as a means of stifling normal democratic debate.

    Try and debate anything in UK and soon the PC loonies are on to it and calling out 'racist' and other kinds of 'ists'.

    There can be no debate about immigration here in UK until someone gets up and manages to inform the emperor that he has no clothes.

  2. hardend criminals would be used for testing drugs, instead of

    companys advertising for people, an animals bein used , let these criminals pay something back , and suffer for the sake of mankind!!!!

    every company would have to donate there building apprentaces / plumbing / electrics / brickys etc.... befor they could qualify , to use there knowledge an skills an go into the poorer places in the world like

    africa etc.. plumbin a water system in a village , wiring electrics. buildings .. it would good as other countries might follow , an end a lot of suffering...

    im getting into this to to much,  

  3. wo wo wo  are we doing your homework i dont think so!!!!!!

  4. Ideally:

    1) Dismiss any politicians found to be corrupt (i.e. favors for gifts and so on) and include more secret checks for that sort of thing. Make sure it's easy to dismiss anyone who's incompetent at the job also.

    2) Completely remove all non-emergency or non-agreement monetary support to other countries from the government (aka aid to third world countries and other) to redirect the money to aid our own country. It's harsh but it's money that could be used to build more houses/improve health care here/etc. The countries reputation would go down though.

    3) Get rid of all illegal immigrants and stop any immigrants from entering the country unless they met certain conditions. i.e. If they have a degree or have other very rare and useful skills and want to get a job to use them. Get rid of any other recent immigrants if they refuse to get a job or learn try English (with possible exceptions for family of those who meet the conditions to stay). This would stop a lot of immigration, but allow people who could improve the UK in while still freeing up other jobs.

    4) Improve the educational system, trying to improve teaching and the subjects taught themselves. Give schools more power to send out of the class/suspend/expel students, possibly with limits like so many teachers have to agree. Encourage schools to run more extra activities (i.e. sports, arts, etc).

    5) Death penalty, only for those where it's absolutely 100% certain that the criminal deserves it and that it's that person who commited the crime. Doubtful that it would help much though since it'd affect so few people.

    6) Tax the rich more harshly to generate funds, though only in the case of the rich rather than just normal wealthy people.

    7) Encourage science research. Both for medicine and technology.

    The problem is that to implement a lot of these, someone would likely have to take over the country as an absolute ruler since they'd never pass any votes. So these will likely never happen unless I somehow become Supreme Overlord of the UK (or Europe, or Earth in general) which isn't likely.

  5. Really I just want a decent career oppourtunity.  It's not my JOB to fix the country so, me claiming that I have any ideas (no matter how basic) just gets in the way of those with the education and experience to do so.

  6. bring back hanging, and show it on live TV like big brother lol. that would be my dream, i would put gary glitter there, and ian huntley, and all those people in prison with supposedly "life sentences"

  7. very, very generally I wish we could teach our kids to grow up with an understanding that people are all connected, whether they like it or not, and every action they take will effect someone else, either positively or negatively.

    If everybody just does something positive everyday, they can really improve the world as a whole. Then there wouldn't be any reason to be negative if the world was a better place.

  8. customs in uk airports NEEDS to get tighter. you get grilled with questions and fingerprints in america. i can see why they are like that. this country is getting a joke, it really is.

  9. Put Hillary Clinton in the white house. She was the best candidate for the economy.

    If Hillary Clinton would have been nominated, she would have won the general election, She may have picked Obama for VP, and it would have given him some experience, people would have learned more about him as a public figure,

    Now McCain will win, we may do better once the troops come home, and we can get back to business as usual for the United States.  

  10. With you it all boils down to a hatred of other nationalities. Australia seems the place for you. You can't 'Do something' about the PM, he was elected as an MP and as PM by the rules of the Labour Party.Your turn will come at a General Election.

    Stop reading that Goddam awful newspaper you take.

  11. 1) I would like to know your definition of doing 'something' about Brown.  It interests me how people seem to separate politicians from themselves, when politicians are human beings too.  If you were at the top, I'm confident you'd have exactly the same amount of vitriol thrown at you.

    2) the number of immigrants leeching of the benefits system is in fact extremely small.  The vast, vast majority come here to work or study.

    3) I agree with this one.  However, the Government always said it wanted more resources thrown into teaching English than simple translation, but local councils seemed not to understand current legislation and were unsure of what to do.  This hopefully will soon be remedied.

    4) Australia's system gets a lot of flock for its atrocious human rights and huge waste and high cost, and the Australians are agree - it's being reformed and loosened up, albeit slowly.  The UK is introducing a new points-based system for non-EU immigrants.

    5) Impossible.  We're a UN Security Council permanent member, a core member of NATO, the EU, G8, and various other worldwide institution.  Over half our trade is with Europe, and our economy is dependent on imports and exports.  There is simply no way in this present world that any state can isolate itself without becoming a kind of clone of North Korea.

  12. 1)  Such as?

    2) Immigrants make a great contribution

    3) What about German?

    4) To stop people getting out?   If you want to go, go

    5) Sounds like you already have

  13. Good start,that is the beginning !.

  14. Get rid of Obama fast!!! Yes and bring back hanging and public flogging! LOL Obama I'm serious about!   McCain 08'

  15. A total "eradication" of Political Correctness.  

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