
What do you day when someone asks when your gonna have a baby and you ARE ttc but don't want to tell? ?

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I am visiting a friend I haven't seen in awhile and I know she's going to ask but I just don't want to tell anyone...too much pressure. We are at that time when EVERYONE asks...what do you say other than it's not time, I don't want kids yet...?




  1. i dealt with people asking when we were going to have a baby for 6 years before we finally decided to get pregnant. i would just say "probably in the next couple of years" that way it isn't a "lie" but you don't have to be specific.

  2. Yeah, I've been dealing with this for a while. Normally I say something like "when I can get around to it" or "we'll see what happens but I'm not stressing about it or anything" (this one is good because then it implies that your friend is herself making a fuss over nothing, and she'll shut up :)

    Personally, I told my family not to ask me about it. In return, I've promised to tell them the minute I get a positive test result. And if they do ask me ... then I won't tell them (so far it's worked pretty well!)

  3. Oh gosh - I know that feeling - it can be quite frustrating when EVERYONE keeps asking!

    I am rubbish at lying or keeping a secret so when we were trying to concieve and people asked, I felt like I was giving it away from the look on my face! Just say 'we're not there yet' or something along those lines because you're not lying - you're not pregnant YET but you don't have to say anything about ttc!

    All the best with ttc & future pregnancy!

  4. My husband and I are in the same position. We don't want people constantly asking "Are you pregnant yet?" or looking at me like I have some horrible illness if it takes awhile to get pregnant! When people ask us I just simply say we are not in any hurry and when it happens, it happens. That seems to appease our family and friends...for now anyway! Good luck to you sweetie!  

  5. i  used  to say next year but now i say soon.

  6. When people always ask me, I always said we are not trying nor not preventing pregnancy and when it happens it happens. Always seems to work for me! Good luck and tons of baby dust!

  7. i used to say things like "we're trying" or "it happens when it happens," but after 14 months of trying and a miscarriage, i just tell people to stop asking and that we will announce it to the whole world when we're finally pregnant.  

  8. I would just "someday..." with a smile on my face. Or "soon enough" something like so they know you're thinking about it, but not necessarily trying yet.

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