
What do you define "douche bottle" as

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what do you define it as?

me and my friends have a bet about what people are going to say so.




  1. the new form of douche-bag since companies dont make douches in bags anymore..

    or A crack-w***e who can provide no milk to her AIDs baby, not even tainted cracked-out milk.

  2. My ex.

  3. omg. thats hilarious.

    i personally have no clue what a douche bottle is.

    obviously i know what a douche is but ive never heard of a douche bottle.

  4. thats a very interesting question..but i guess it all depends on what your definition of a douche is.

  5. A bottle shaped like a glass beer bottle that you stick up there and dump liquid into you va-jay-jay that clenses it. Is there such thing. cause it sounds weird.

  6. One of my sisters.

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