
What do you? did you?

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Ok so in school i haven't started but jw

1. Do you take AP classe? (if not then what kind)

2. Play ant sports...what?

3.Band, clubs...?

4. Make good grades?

*I put it here to get the point of view of other teens in school!*




  1. 1. Accademic, or above.

    2. Yes, hockey, lacrosse, rugby, volleyball, basketball. :)

    3. No, I don't think so.

    4. Yes.

  2. No to all four.

    I've never been good at school...

  3. 1. No I sadly don't take any AP classes. I have mostly all honors classes if that counts. Honors English 2, Honors US Studies, Honors Biology, and I got Geometry (my worst subject ever). I also was supposed to have a web page design class. I have no idea whatever else I got. I like Honors classes because my school is very.......bad. 95% don't care if they get an actual education, most of them just want to skip school, have s*x, then smoke dope. I like to be in a class where we can have an actual discussion about world events and such. It's fun.

    2. Haha, I'm not the most athletic person in the world. I go to the gym with my mother but that's not a school sport. I will be trying to go on the golf team maybe. My grandfather says I have real potential (I've been playing with him ever since I was little) so who knows.

    3. I am in Wind Ensemble/Marching Band/Orchestra. I play the flute, piccolo, and fife.  I love marching season, it's probably my favorite part of band because in concert season it's just really parents and family coming to see you and some of the school administration. During marching season, it's strangers and football fans people, from the home team and the away. It's so much fun and I love putting on a great show. In my opinion, we put so much more time, dedication, and work than any football team. I love band. As for other clubs, I'm part of the A Capella/Madrigal choir (I will be as a sophomore), I'm also going to be in the yearbook, and SADD (students against destructive decisions). I might be doing other activities, who knows. Mostly just community service hours like helping out at the concesion stands if I can.

    4. I do make good grades. Most of the time it's all A's. The only not so good grade I get is in the math subject. I've never been good at the subject, and I've always struggled with it which really sucks. Especially seeing as I'm a sophomore I have to take my OGT's this year. Ugh. I usually might land a C- in math. I try as hard as I can, and I guess I just really suck *** at the subject. Lol. I'm awesome at English though and any Social Studies subject.

  4. 1. yes

    2. soccer and volleyball

    3. Band, I play the flute =]

    4. Straight A's.. 4.0

  5. 1. yes, math

    2. i might play volly ball

    3. yes choir and last year i was in the drama club

    4.yeah, As and Bs. im trying to get all As though

  6. 1. yes. 2 this year. AP english and AP US history&constitution. My chemistry class is leveled as honors but we use the AP book.

    2. Not for a school team. Play a lot of things for fun.

    3. NHS, BETA, FCA, cooking. . .

    4. Yea. . A's and B's or the parents get mad.

  7. 1. h**l NO! Lmfao. I would so fail school if i took any AP classes.

    2. No im to lazy.

    3. Hopefully.


  8. Nope


    Band geek man,and Jazz band haha

    I got by.

  9. 1. yeah, in science, math, english...

    2. yeah, softball, basketball.

    3. yeah, sorta in band. i play percussion, sometimes (long story lol) and i'm in newspaper, fine arts society, and the book club (that'll look good on college resume lol =) )

    4. yeah, usually like all a's and one b thats like one point away from an a lol.  

  10. no, basketball, no, ehh..

  11. 1. I take all AP classes

    2. I'm thinking about going out for cross country or track, but probably not

    3. I used to be in band and am in the honor society, I'm going to be starting to do volunteer work at animal shelters and such

    4. I get really good grades usually, 95-100

    oh yeah im starting 9th grade

  12. 1. no, i'm a sophomore......i won't take AP until i'm a senior. now i'm just in Honors classes

    2. no

    3. no

    4. as a matter of fact i do!

  13. 1. Yes

    2. Yes, swimming.

    3. Yes

    4. Yes.

  14. yes, no, yes, yes

  15. 1. Going to; Psychology.

    2. No. I don't like sports.

    3. No. I'd rather not stay at school until 4:30-6pm.

    4. Yes/no.

  16. wots an ap class

    yes, football, netball, rugby, tennis

    yes, choir, guitar ensemble


  17. 1. I take AP History and AP English Lit.

    2. I'm on the varsity baseball team.

    3. I'm not in the band, but play guitar and keyboard.

    4. All honors.

  18. No, no, no, yes.

  19. 1. No (took honors)

    2. Nope

    3. Fitness club

    4. Yes. Had a's and b's
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