
What do you dislike most?

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  1. The beginning is exciting, getting to know everyone, over the course of the year you get to really know everyone. Like a family, some you will miss more than others, but you will never be that class together again. This change is sad and that's why I dislike the end of the year most.

  2. Well thats a hard question and there are pros and cons to each. I love the begining because I meet my new students and it's a start of a wonderful school year with infinite possibilities. I like having new matierials in the classroom and meeting new people. The end of the year is exciting because the school year is almost over and It's interesting to see how your students have grown from the begining of the year but the students can definetly get on your nerves at the end of the year because they think they can start to behave badly even though there is only sa little bit of school left.

  3. The beginning most defiantly... That is the time that things are starting back to normal. Having anywhere from 75-150 new student to get to know. Having to distribute all that useless paper work to the students.

    As a Chemistry and Physics teacher, I also see a lot of student transfer out of my class which creates a huge mess on the on-line grading system.

  4. in my opinion, i think i don't like the beginning of the year because i must prepare all of the lesson and all of the goals for my students for examples : what kind of students that i want to make, can my students have a good morality at school and can change them become better erc.

  5. The end.  All my students care about is their grades.  There's no more learning and teaching.  It's all about the result and a bunch of students and parents trying to "negotiate" their grades.  Plus, it's depressing to see a group of students I have come to love leave my class and move one.

  6. I guess I dislike the end more, but not for the reason you may think.  When school begins, I am so charged up and ready to go; I'm so motivated and can't wait to get going.  But at the end of the year, and perhaps it's my age, I tend to get tired and worn-out... and I'm not really at my best, so that's why I dislike it more.

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