
What do you do, when you're sleeping at a friends house, and you wake up before they do?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I was a child, I was baffled by this situation.. I'm 24 years old, and I am still baffled.

Honestly... do you just lay there pretending to be asleep awaiting your friend to wake, or do you take comfort in their home, wonder aimlessly, eat their food, poo in their toilet? Or do you resort to going into their room and waking them up?

I absolutely hate sleeping out at friends houses, whether it's due to a night of drinking, or to a weekend visit.. Please, somebody tell me how I can remedy these extremely uncomfortable, and unavoidable scenarios?




  1. do your own business...laaa

  2. on a friendly casual sleep over, i would get up- move around quietly -put the coffee om and read the paper or turn tv on very low, and not disturb the friend.  oe if was because of too much spirits the nite before, i would still be quieter than ever----be it man friend or lady friend.

  3. if u wake up first then go to okefenokee swamp

  4. With friends I don't see very often and who don't come to my house much, I usually be as quiet as I can and try not to wake them up.  I do use their bathroom if I need to (not healthy to hold it very long), but that's about it.  If they insist that I can "make yourself at home" the night before, I might have a glass of water and sit around in their living room until they get up.

    I have had some very close friends who came over to my place a lot and they invited me to their place a lot and it felt like were more like cousins or something instead of just friends.  In those situations, we really did make ourselves at home and raided the fridge and watched TV (quietly enough not to wake the other people up) etc.  But then it was so give and take on both sides that it didn't seem like a big deal.

  5. I hate that too and whenever I do sleep at someone's house I always wake up like at 7 in the morning ready to go home even though I love to sleep in. Usually I just lay there pretending to sleep or turn on the TV really low until they wake up but I don't raid refrigerators or take poos in someone's toilet lol.

    I try not to put myself in these situations because it's so awkward for me.

    Good question!!!!  

  6. Best thing would be to visit the toilet first, do #1 or #2 whatever you want, then brush your teeth. Then get hold of a book/magazine/newspaper and read it till your friend wakes up.

  7. Jump on top of them and wake them up if you're that insecure of being awake alone.

  8. You certainly don't just wander about or raid their food stash.  That would be rude.  It's perfectly OK to use their toilet, however, for either #1 or #2.  Whilst waiting for the friend to wake up you could read a book or take a shower or something.

  9. I usually bring a book or magazine with me to kill some time until they wake up.  Unless of course they sleep until noon, then I would just go home.

  10. Gosh, I'm so close with my friends that I would just wake up and do my thing.  I'm sure they wouldn't want me to force myself to lay in bed waiting on them to get up.

    If you're really close with them just get up and do your thing.  It shouldn't be a matter of trust or anything.

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