
What do you do, when you miss your kids sooo much?

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I moved from california 5 months ago. My boys, who are 18, 20 and 21 wanted to stay there. I'm in oklahoma. I miss them terribly. I thought it would get easier with time, but it seems its getting harder, and visiting often is not an option.I fill my days with work, and my husband is here for me. But his is heart breaking. How do I deal with this?




  1. Move back.

  2. AW i wish i had parents to miss me... what a good loving parent you are.

  3. Moving back is an option but I'm guessing you are set in place now.

    This is always a difficult position to be in. Their at the age where they want to be on their own and for parents that's hard to handle the separation.

    I am in a similar situation, I got divorced a few years ago, moved not so far away from the x (20 minutes) but she moved a year ago over an hour away. I was used to seeing my 3 boys every morning before school (she dropped them off to me) and them being with me on the weekends and now it's every other week during the summer to every other weekend during school. It's very hard for me, when she and I were together I was the care giver.

    I know how you feel, but just keep in mind that they still love you no matter how far away they are. Just pray for them, together with your husband. Keep in touch with them.

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