
What do you do @ a meeting with an agency?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering because Im about to apply for a couple of them & I have always wondered what they make you do once they call you in. Do you prepare a monologue? Or do they give you something to read when you get there? Do they make you sing even if you dont mention it as one of your talents? Im confused. I know you will probably tell me to wait until an agency sets up a meeting for me so I can see for myself, but Im too impatient (and Im not applying in the next couple months because I need a headshot). So what is the most common experience when meeting with an agency?

Im 14 by the way =)






  1. Let's just say dont mention anything about FAMOUS okay? Dont say " Because i want to be famous " act like youself, talk about the experiences you had.. and what you enjoy doing

    please look at my question its kind of similar;...

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