
What do you do about a drama queen daughter?

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What do you do about a drama queen daughter?




  1. Tough love, I believe there are groups.

      Cut off credit cards,

    Enforce your power as a parent, unless it is too late.  You've created a monster, hopefully you have time to undo some of the damage before your shecreature is released onto the world in all her arrogance.

  2. I sympathise with you. I too was devastated when my daughter announced that she was a thespian. Oh the shame, oh the drama!

    You should let her get on with her life, in a few years she will come around.

  3. Just like a toddler, you let them have their fit  and then you go on. Let her know you love her...but that's about all the time you have for this.

    Also, if she is really getting out of control  emotionally, you may want to see a Dr.  Your daughter may be suffering from Depression or bipolar. Just get it checked out... if you feel she may need it.


  4. Welcome to Yahoo Answers :)

    How old is she?  Kids tend to think that they're the center of the world - it's just part of being a child, I know I was like it when I was little, and my sisters are the same now.  I don't know many kids who don't like to be the focus of attention - even the shy ones tend to have somewhere they release this, such as at home or school, or with certain friends or relatives.  

    Encourange group activities, and when something happens that could cause a drama-queen-scene, don't tollerate overraction on her part.  Don't get worked up yourself, or she will try to challence your level or psychological arousal - instead, remain calm, talk quietly and soothingly and deal with the issue in a cool and straightforward manner.  Don't show any extra reaction to her when she's being like this - she will play up to the attention she gets.  

    If she's exaggerating things, remind her of the importance of truth and reassure her that no-ones life is excitement 24/7, and she doesn't need to lie to impress people - they will like her just as she is.

    Good luck!


  5. And this is in the royalty section why?

  6. Ring down the curtain!

  7. Military school!

  8. Put her into sports, something like little athletics, swimming, etc.. that should settle her down without drugs, watch what she's eating, its a known fact if you cut out lollies, junk etc they settle down, too many preservatives in foods and drinks.

    Good Luck.

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