
What do you do about neighbors who rob silk flowers from graves?

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I have some former neighbors who are a piece of work. My husband and I thought they were bad when we lived next door to them, but the new tenants visited with me this afternoon and told me information that was unbelievable -- unless you really know these people. And I do.

When we lived in the neighborhood, the wife would sneak around the neighborhood and listen to conversations while crouched under the living room window. Her brother cooked meth in the shop behind their shop, caught the shop on fire once, and caught one of their dalmations on fire a separate time. How do I know these things? SHE TOLD ME. Many strange things happened while we lived there, but seems these people have expanded their network since the people we sold our house to moved in. For example: the woman cruises graveyards and robs the silk flower arrangements, then puts them in her flower beds. She has bragged to the new neighbors that she takes stuff, clothes from the donation bins at Goodwill and




  1. I do know people like and I find it so hard to believe.  I had some neighbors who thought it was okay to keep some big inflatable halloween decorations from another neighbor because the wind blew them down the street so since they walked out in the street and got them they were entitled to keep them (even though they knew which neighbor they belonged to.)  And I knew some other people that felt justified for stealing (and using) a womans credit cards because she crashed her car into their front yard and then fled the accident on foot because she was drunk.  They took the cards and went shopping and then bragged about it.  Unbelievable.  It makes me sad.  I just continue to try to do the right thing and to pray for them that someday they will 'see the light'.

  2. just keep away from her - she's obviously insane!

  3. You could tell the police.

  4. Since this is an etiquette question, the proper thing to do is ignore them, stay away from them and try your best not to gossip.

  5. God is watching her sweetie. if you feel so inclined, you could report it to the goodwill people annonymously perhaps or call the cops .she steals and sells it on ebay?a crime.robbing dead peoples flowers. a shame.going on other peoples property and crouching under windows is also a crime. if you see her,call the cops.what i would do would be type a letter and mail it to her that you know she robs from those places and now so do the authorities. tell her they will be watching her. ha.dont sign the letter.let them be paranoid everytime they try it again or they may just stop. if not, like i say.they will answer to a higher authority someday.if they have kids you could ask in the letter how they would feel if someone robbed their childs grave or how they would feel if they had no clothes but the night before they made her a package and someone robbed it.sometimes people just dont think.remind her while she may not care about what others think, that god is watching always and now the cops are too.

  6. What   they  are  doing  as  you  related  is  a  kind  of  thievery.  Report  them  to  the  authorities  for  proper  action.,  like  the  police  authorities and  other  authorities  in  your  community.

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