
What do you do about the swelling?

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I have been having some KILLER swelling in my feet. My doctor has already cleared me and said it was normal, but what do you do to make it feel better? Besides laying down?




  1. One of my mom friend gave her Epsom salt because my mom mention my HUGE swollen feet and she had the same problem. My mom also bought me small square bucket thing sorry I have no idea what their call lol. I fill it up with warm water put epsom make sure it dissolve and soak my feet. It really help. I even have fill the little tub/bucket thing and bring it to the room and set in front of the desk and soak my feet while on computer. I also try to elevate as much as I can.

  2. I hear ya I live in Southwest Florida and sometimes it feels like over 100% with humidity! Not only do I have swollen hands feet and ankles but my knees (the worst) and on bad day my whole right leg swells up. It is so uncomfortable. I swear I wake up one size and get home from work a size bigger. I asked my doctor and she said the obvious, elevate your feet and she also said swimming helps! If you get any good solutions let me know!

  3. Try some of these tips to reduce the puffiness!!!

    1. Try to put your feet up when possible

    2. Lie on your left side when relaxing!

    3. Do not cross your legs or ankles while sitting! (this is a hard one for me)

    4.Stretch your legs frequently while sitting: Stretch your leg out, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.

    5.Take regular breaks from sitting.. Short walks keeps your blood circulating

    6.Wear comfy shoes that allow your feet to swell comfortably

    7.Do not wear socks that are tight around ankles and calfes

    8.Try waist-high maternity support stockings. Put them on before you get out of bed in the morning so blood doesn't have a chance to pool around your ankles.

    9.Drink plenty of water. Surprisingly, this helps your body retain less water.

    10.Exercise regularly, especially by walking, swimming, or riding an exercise bike. Or try a water aerobics class — immersion in water may temporarily help reduce swelling, particularly if the water level is up near your shoulders.

    11.Try to avoid junk food. (another one im still working on!)


  4. put your feet up! no shoes or socks make sure you drink plenty of fluids

  5. I had horrible swelling with my 2nd pregnancy. I was adviced to Elevate your feet (keep your feet up and rest as much as possible) drink plenty of water, stay away from salty food because it'll make swelling worse. And massage it whenever you have time to help the swelling go down.


    I forgot to mention that being in the hot weather can make it swell up more. So try to stay in a place that has AC and just stay cool.

  6. in addition to the other answers you could try aromatherapy massage. i've read that lavender is really good for fluid retention, other oils to use are rosemary or geranium. the important thing about using aromatherapy is to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil...on the page i found it says to combine a couple drops of each oil *no more than about 7 drops total per 1/2 cup carrier oil* and to use olive oil as the carrier oil. you could use sweet almond oil or virgin coconut oil too, they are better smelling and may not be so sticky.

    massage onto feet/ankles/legs in upward strokes to release water and don't massage the back of your ankles too vigorously.

    if nothing else this will smell and feel fantastic, but it should help release at least some of the water and swelling. also try soaking your feet as deep as you can in cool water. and drink PLENTY of water, dehydration is a sure way to get puffy, painful ankles.

  7. I am the same way.  My doctor says it's normal, healthy swelling, but it is hideous-looking and uncomfortable.  I put ice on them and keep them propped up whenever possible.  When I get home from work, I try to lie down and elevate them above my heart.  Good luck!

  8. While you are sitting down try putting your legs up on a stool or another chair.  You can also put your feet in really worm water that is what helped me with my feet while I was pregnant.

  9. my ankles and feet get really bad too when i  am on them for a while. (I'm 35 weeks)what you can do is lay down ( i know u know this) with ur feet propped up several inches above your heart, and apply a cold compress. Also, massage seems to help with the blood circulation. You know, the reason your feet and ankles swell is due to the extra blood circulating for the baby. I read that because of the tiny veins in your feet, they have a hard time coping with all the extra blood. You can also (while still propped) move your ankles in circular motions in order to promote blood flow. :) *Congrats and best wishes

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