
What do you do after jumping into a swimming pool?

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After i jump in i freak out and almost drown, do i just kick my legs and move my hands. Or do i just let my body float up or what?




  1. swim

  2. you need to take swimming lessons buddy. don't be embarrassed. who gives a dams?

  3. Take swimming lessons

  4. Just swim- or sink!!!

  5. stay calm just move your arms and legs at a nice pace what u could do go in the deep go up and down untill u feel confident

  6. push up from the bottom so I can surface to get a breath.

  7. try and learn to swim maybe u cloud use a life jacket for while just till you learn how too swim that what i did and it worked for a mintue but know i dont know how too swim so try the life jacket it might work

  8. You come back up and take a breath.

  9. stay out of the deep end, until you learn how to swim.  If you almost drown when you jump in a pool then you are dangerously mistaken  thinking you know how to swim,

  10. if you cant swim then you should not jump into a swimming pool. just take the stairs and walk in slowly. then practice swimming in the shallow end where you can touch. Swimming lessons would be great if you can get them. Local YMCAs are a good choice. Don't go into the deep end or jump into the deep in until you feel totally comfortable doing so.

  11. you paddle yourself up

    then you do this:

    "breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out..."

    its do or die!

  12. you doggy paddle or just float

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