
What do you do and dont do at a buffet?

by Guest61383  |  earlier

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What do you do and dont do at a buffet?




  1. do not eat out  of anywhere but your plate

    do not spill anything

    do not underestimate kids

    do not talk to yourself

    do be nice and respestful

  2. DO take small portions of many different items. Eat them, and if you want more, go back and get a little more of the things you like again.  If the amount of each item is limited, then do not take a lot of any one particular thing, so that others may have a taste of it as well.

    Since losing 100 pounds, I avoid buffets myself. I noticed that the people who frequent buffet restaurants are all morbidly obese and gluttons.

  3. Don't eat the last of anything in the serving dishes. That means it's been sitting a really long time. Instead, ask the server to restock that tray and eat the fresher food instead.

  4. you do not eat out of the serving dish

    you do not use your own (already used) silverware to serve yourself

    you always get a new plate

    you dont pile the food into a heap on your plate, you will look foolish for doing that since you can go back up as many times as you want

    you are not suppoed to share your buffet with anyone else who did not pay for the buffet hahaha.

  5. Do - try on every thing.

    Don't do - don't waste on things you can't finish

    Don't stuff yoursellf - you will regret later

  6. don't cough or sneeze at the  buffet line

    do get a clean plate each time

    don't touch food then put it back

  7. You can wait in line for the other people to get food but you cant: chug 5 quarts of gravy, you cant stack your food higher than your 7ft 3inc. friends ear hair, you can't  try to be creative by instead of using the door you blow a hole in the roof with a hunk of plastic explosives, and last you cant spray a hose of 500'c melted cheese on your mamas lap.


  9. Simple what you do is serve yourself and what you do not do is expect to be served!

  10. It is plain common sense and etiquette, hygiene.

    For instance, take a fresh plate every time you visit the buffet

    No need to pile up. Visit often. That is common sense.

    Don't taste the food from the buffet to see if you like it. Or taste and put it back. That is silly. Take a little bit and if you do not like it, or like it, adjust during your next visit.

    Do not use bare hands to pick. That is hygience.

    When leaving your chair, leave the napkin on your CHAIR not on the TABLE. Why? You do not want your dirty napking to be visible to others when they are eating. That is etiquette.

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