
What do you do at LAMDA examination?

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What is it you do at LAMDA examinations exactly? I am interested in taking the drama one. Do you think its worth it? What would I have to do? Just perform a piece?

Also, with the speech ones, do you just have to recite a speech?

And please, most importantly, can someone please explain to me the meaning of the idfferent levels and grades? Do you just act your piece and they grade you? Or do you have to take various "exams" in order to get to the top level?

Please someone help!thanks I really appreciate it




  1. I took drama grade 2.

    I did it with a friend which really helps nerves so we did two acted pieces.

    You only take one exam but sometimes you have to perform multiple pieces in one sitting.

    They give you a grade for performance, dictation etc and use that persentage for fail, pass, merit or distinction.

    If you chose to take it, Good Luck x

  2. Fortunally the college where i done my BTEC enter you for Lamda Exams at Bronze, Silver and Gold level. I managed to just clinch the Gold Distinction Award (the highest you can get). Lamda's are obviously to do with your acting but, in my lamda exam, you also have a 5 - 10 minute discussion after about the play, characters and views. Basically know your knowledge of the play, the play writer and the characters. You should hopefully do this before performing anyway but try your best to remember these facts.You will be told but usually you perform 2/3 pieces from different periods to show your versility. Lamda is an acting exam although you have the chance to gain points through knowledge

  3. I have just done my Grade 5 LAMDA last week.

    I had to perform 2 pieces; one from a list they gave me and then i had to choose one myself. After performing them the examiner asks a few questions about each piece.

    You don't just act a piece and then they grade you. You do a specific grade, starting with 1 and ending with 8, which you have to perform 2 (or 3 on grade 7 and 8) pieces for.

    Your examiner then marks you and sends you a certificate which says whether you have received a fail, pass, merit o distinction.

    Hope this helps.

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