
What do you do at a bar mitzvah?

by  |  earlier

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My friends having a bar mitzvah. I was wondering what you do there and what should i give him? Money? and how much? and sorry i dont no this cuz im not jewish.




  1. Since you are not jewish, please feel free to drink up all of their booze and hit on the older girls.  They will greatly appreciate a nice gentile boy like you.

  2. normally, they have a service in the morning, which has the religious aspect. (all my friends had theirs at like 10 ish in the morning at their temple). then, in the evening there's a party. they normally hold it in a rented venue and there there's a DJ, games, food, and just basically having a good time. for gifts, most ppl give the person money, and how much depends on ur budget and i guess how close of a friend they are. maybe like $20-50? and my friend told me that multiples of 18 are considered good luck but it doesn't rlly matter. have fun! :)

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