
What do you do at a s*x toy party?

by  |  earlier

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Like my fiance's family members (just the girls) are having one and I don't know what to do. Is there going to be games? Like I know theres going to be toys and such but what are we suppose to do? Just sit there and talk about them?




  1. There going to show all the toys and show what they are for. Some may have games to do. THe one i went to we had to make up 3 unique s*x sayings. HAHA it was really interesting it was my first time so i was like omg.... wat do i write. Some of the stuff though can be used for other things that isnt s*x. it'll be fun.

  2. It's really fun!!! You are gonna play games. like pass the slong between friends legs and whoever has it when the music stops is out. you gonna pass they toys around turn them on and play with them, you are gonna taste the edible creams and smell the lotions and sprays they also have lingerie you can try on. Other then that there's no x*x stuff going on just a bunch of girls having fun.

  3. lol

    dump your fiance...he's got some crazed relatives...

    you'll be expected to buy's like an Avon party...

  4. it's going to be one huge L*****n orgy.  how awkward, is like his MOM going to be there?  You have to use them, you don't just talk about them!

  5. a s*x toy party is basically the same as a tupperware party. usually the hostess has drinks and food. finger sandwiches, appetizers, that kind of thing. usually wine or liquor or both. you sit around and have a good time and then they bring out the s*x toys. the seller tells you about them and you can buy one if you want. you normally don't buy the one the seller has, that's for demo purposes. sometimes they will have some in stock for you to take home that night. but you pick out which toy you want and order it. in a few days it will arrive and you play with it.  

  6. Like, wow, a s*x toy party? Like , um I think you like, just sit around and like talk about what you would DO with the, um like, toy being shown, like.

  7. you get to check out the latest s*x toys and perhaps get demo of how to properly use them  

  8. oh my goodness...are you comfortable with that? that doesnt seem appropriate. I wouldnt attend at all. There are better ways to celebrate then to have a huge sinful party. Go out have a drink and have a movies night instead.

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