Basically, I really wish someone would give me some feedback/advice on general, work-related etiquette. For example, my superiors have been making mistakes, but I've been taking it. (These include a supervisor making blatantly racist comments to/about me). I'm polite (usually, to a fault), and I've never had a negative work evaluation in the past; I'm a sincerely hard worker. Yet now, I'm really struggling emotionally because, not only are my superiors completely oblivious to their own mistakes/imperfections, but they compulsively point out and criticize me for any perceived mistakes/imperfections in me. And it's extreme--I'm talking about a woman literally sitting down with a notepad, making faces and scribbling furiously about my every move, during the first 4 HOURS that I worked at this company. (And no, my work is NOT surgery or rocket science; it's tutoring, believe it or not)!