
What do you do daily with your horse or pony???

by  |  earlier

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I have a pony and i am curious on what other horse lovers do daily with their horses. PLEASE TELL ME and add pics of your horse!!!!




  1. save the horse ride the cowboy!!!

    oh dang

    naw i dont have a horse we cant really have em in vegas =[

    wish i did though ur lucky

  2. I don't have a horse or a pony

  3. There's a bunch of things I do daily with my horses. Feed them, lunge them, water them, and brush them are some of daily things I do with them.


    hope this helps

  4. I ride them of course!

    I brush them

    feed them.

    Make them do tricks for apples.

    Lung them.

    I try riding them bare back and with just a halter, but they are still working on there leg commands.

    Good luck

    sorry I don't have any pictures

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