
What do you do during a severe thunderstorm warning?

by  |  earlier

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do you go to the basement?? how about tornado warnings and watches, what's the difference!?!? thank you so much!!

im freaked out right now cause the weather is really bad and it's a severe thunderstorm warning but i don't know what that means in regards to where i go right now. thank you!!




  1. Always in an area that has the risk for severe weather, have a place to go if the weather does become severe.  

    In a watch, the conditions are favorable for severe weather to occur and you need to have a plan and  a place to seek shelter.  

    In a warning, you need to go to your place of shelter immediately.

  2. I look at an advanced doppler loop and determine just how severe I believe the storm will be. If I see indications of extreme downburst winds or extreme hail, I will take precautions and have plans to get to a safety area if need be. If the storm just appears to be moderately severe though (gusts to near 60mph and/or hail up to coin-sized), then I would probably not do too much to prepare. I would likely stay inside and watch it from a window, or if I can be safely protected by the wind/hail by a wall I would watch the storm from outside.

    In the case of a tornado warning, I would do the same thing as during a severe thunderstorm warning. I would check out the advanced doppler, and if I feel I am actually going to be in danger, I would seek shelter in an appropriate area.

  3. A severe thunderstorm warning means there is significant danger for the warned area. Occasionally, severe thunderstorms can and do produce a tornado without warning.

    move to a pre-designated shelter in a home or building, such as a basement.

    move to an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor and get under a sturdy piece of furniture if underground shelter is not available.

    stay away from windows.

    do not try to outrun a tornado in your car, instead leave it immediately.  lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression if caught outside or in a vehicle.

    leave mobile homes; even if tied down offer little protection from tornados.

  4. You don't really do anything for a severe thunderstorm warning. Going to the basement is overkill. It really only affects people outdoors as being outside with lots of lightning is an obviously bad thing.

    If there's a tornado warning, then you should consider the basement. If there's high winds, stay away from the windows. Other than that, enjoy the storm!

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