
What do you do during ur period when you have cramps and bloating like in school?

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Do you tell the teacher you got to go 2 the clinic. Do you miss school during ur period? Or what?





  1. I usually carry around a mini bottle of advil in my bookbag, but since i go to an all girls school just about everyone has some type of pain relieving drug in their locker so if i forget mines, no biggie

  2. i usually ask to go to the bathroom then just take some aspirin and put in a tampon. hope this helps!

  3. Midol blue baby- It will take care of all your problems. I don't feel a thing when i take it.  

  4. Sometimes I'd just have to miss school the first day of my period. Only the first day is really bad for me. Other times I'd just take pamprin or tylenol and go to school like normal.

  5. I simply take a few midols with me, your not supposed to take pills to school but hey you gotta do whatcha gotta do, also i sit kind of leaned over it eases my cramps, and the bloating I learn to ignore.

  6. I used to ask to go to the nurse and tell her I was in pain. Get some tylenol, an hour nap, and it makes you feel much better. Especially on that 1st day!

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