
What do you do everyday?

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Do you exercise or are you one that stays on the computer does house work and watches tv?

Stay at home mom?




  1. I'm not a stay-at-home mom.  I work full time.  So everyday I get my kids up and ready for the sitter.  I work, come home and eat dinner that my husband made.  I take my daughter to cheerleading practice 3 days a week.  I play with the kids - probably do some homework soon, and get them ready for bed, and read books.  After they are in bed, I clean up anything remaining and get myself ready for bed.  Usually I throw in laundry or fold laundry before I plop on the couch and watch tv for about 30 minutes before going up to bed.

    Today after work, I'll be stuffing flea killer pills down my 3 cats and dog, apply some flea preventive and vacumm the entire house and furniture like 3 times, laundry my sheets and comforter.  Then pickup my daughter from practice and hopefully she'll have no homework.  Ahhh!!!!!!!

  2. Well before I got pregnant I woke up at 7 am put my twins in a jogging stroller and went for a run at our state park. When I would get home the girls would have breakfast and I would do phase 1 cleaning. then after that the girls would watch some cartoons and I would do some home business stuff for my husband. By noon we would go to the park Library etc. and have lunch. I would do phase 2 of cleaning and all that fun stuff. If I have work that day I go to work from 2 until 5 and the girls went to our neighbors. If I don't which is rare we usually go to our family lake or just visit family. By 5 30 dinner is cooking and my hubby gets home. By  7 girls have bath and phase 3 of cleaning by 8 girls are in bed and me my husband usually have our free time!

    But right now I have been on the computer a lott because I am on bed rest

  3. I'm a stay-at-home mom.  I try to spend no more than 30-45 minutes on the computer and I try to keep the TV off as much as possible.  In the early morning before school, it's all about getting my oldest ready for school and everyone else dressed and ready too (we all have to walk him down to the bus, unless DH is home, then he does that while I stay with the kids).  After the oldest goes off, we usually put the baby down for a nap and then the other two and I play puzzles or with the train tracks, or they watch TV and I get online.  Snacktime is at 9:30, lunch is at 11, naps are at 12.  In between those times, we try to play, but sometimes I let my kids watch PBS because they want to see Curious George and Clifford and Super Why.  During naptime I'm usually busy doing chores, working on projects, doing the money, or sometimes I use that time to nap myself or just kick back.  In the afternoons, we get the big brother from his bus, and then it's all about getting his homework done and everyone plays together while I make dinner.   I do various housecleaning tasks throughout the day, often I have my children help me with that too.  The days are busy, yet slow at the same time.  

  4. I am part time stay at home mom.

    My oldest is in school during the day so I don't worry about him as much. My youngest will be 6 months in a few days so most of my time goes to her. She is an early bird, wakes up on average at 7am, feeding, bath, play time, solids, feeding again and then her nap. When she naps I'll be on the computer for a few minutes responding to emails from friends, or check my work email since I work 1 day at home. It's usually quick then I do my normal chores like do laundry, dishes, organize a few things, when I have time I'll take a quick nap. I usually don't watch TV until mid day when she is up. Sometimes I'll have it on so he can watch Sesame Street or Barney, she's starting to find it interesting, when she gets bored I turn it off and just play with her, or do other chores that I need to do while she plays with her toys, etc. From the computer to watching TV I'll say I watch TV more since I have a lot of shows recorded and I want to get through to all of them so it doesn't take up to much space. If not I wait until my Husband gets home to finish watching the shows. The only time I have to exercises is at night when both of my children are asleep. I'll stretch here and do, maybe some jumping jacks and some crunches that's about it.  

  5. I'm curious about your question.  I don't know what exactly you are asking, but if I read between the lines, it sounds like you are trying to find testimonials about how busy and accomplished other mothers are so you can use it as an example for your own wife.  Am I right?  If that is the case, do you really think getting random testimonials from people you don't know is fair or right?  I'm guessing you think your wife spends too much time on the computer and/or watching TV and doesn't exercise at all.  If that's the case, your wife may be depressed or overwhelmed, unable to accomplish more.  Maybe she needs an opportunity outside of the house, ie:  a part time or volunteer position.  She more than likely needs encouragement, support and appreciation.  If I am right about what you are doing, realize that you will only make matters worse if you tell her that everyone else is doing better than she is.  

  6. I'm not a stay at home mom, but there are times I wish I were.  I'd love to have the time to spend keeping my house (a lot) cleaner than it usually is, perhaps join a gym, get back into dance, or some other form of exercise.  I'd also love to get more heavily involved in my volunteer work that I currently have very little time for.

  7. I'm a stay at home mom and after spending the morning getting the kids ready for and dropping them off at school, I go to physical theropy (for my lungs).  Then it's home to do whatever housework needs to be done.  In between jobs, I hope on the computer to relax.  

  8. I am a stay at home mom.  I usually play as hard as my 2 year old, we are outside and active for most of the day.  When she is napping (now), I check my email, come on here, and get the housework done.

  9. I do it all, I take care of the house, I volunteer at least 2 times a week in kid's classes, I work out of the house, I have a 2 year old, and I have been running 2 miles a day for the last month, before that I just jogged occasionally.  I do the grocery shopping, the laundry, the dusting, the vacuuming, and I have a set of chores I do before I can sit and relax on the computer....I am only on the computer if there is nothing left to do.  My chores are DBLT--




    Trash(including recyclables)

    On top of all this I feed my family.

    And on top of all this I take care of myself, it is not easy being a woman, our bodies and hair(my hair is long) are high maintenance, although it is last on the list, it still gets done.  

    I have 3 kids and a husband who is a wonderful father, but doesnt do a thing around the house(Literally) would be impossible to list all the things I am responsible for:)

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