
What do you do for a broken toe?

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i broke my toe and i have no idea how to take care of it. should i wrap it? or just leave it?





  1. if it is your little toe, just leave it and it will heal on its own. there is nothing a doctor will do but give you some advil and a doctor bill. but if it is your other toes wrap it with medical tape to the toe closest so it will heal back straight. it should heal pretty fast. take the tape off when you get it wet or take a shower. and when it is easier to walk on it take it of for good. but keep ice on it 15 on then 15 off intervals. hope this helps ;)

  2. I went to urgent care for my toe almost two weeks ago because I was also concerned with the bruising below my toes (and the doctor wanted to check for metatarsal injuries, luckily "just" bruising.   They said I could wrap my broken toe (very obvious in the x-ray - they said it was a diagonal spiral break) with gauze and tape with the nearby toes, or not - whatever I wanted, but did recommend and give me a flat-bottomed rigid soled shoe.   It is not attractive, but it is so much easier to walk than any of my other shoeware.  It still hurts like crazy at time even two weeks later.   They told me that like any other broken bone (and this has been true of when I've broken metatarsals) that it will take 6 to 8 weeks to fully heal.   I broke the fourth toe, but with lots of bruising under my second and third toes.  

    Don't wear flip flops or any unsupportive shoes, though, either.    

  3. Keep it wrapped up with an elastic cloth bandage. You can get them Rite-Aid, CVS, etc. or any other pharmacy. Use the whole thing and keep it wrapped up pretty tight, but not too tight so it cuts off blood circulation entirely. Redo the wrapping every two hours or so, or to your comfort, to keep blood flowing. Also keep your foot elevated as much as possible. Lay down with your foot on top of a chair or on top of the headboard of your bed. Try to keep your leg straight, but don't lock your leg.

    Take 3 tablets of ibuprofen (200mg each) [do not exceed maximum daily dosage without doctor's consent] WITH AT LEAST TWO CUPS OF MILK (a few slices of bread if you're lactose intolerant) and schedule an xray as soon as possible.

    Depending on how bad the toe is, you may need a boot, but ask for a removable surgical boot if that is a problem.

    Also ask about 600mg tablets of prescription ibuprofen, as having the dosage in one tablet is far more effective because your body metabolizes it differently.

    How do I know all this? I broke my two 3 weeks ago xD

  4. There is usually no treatment for a broken toe other than taping it to the next toe. And Tylenol or Motrin for the  pain. Good luck

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