
What do you do for a little girl that does not care about her hygiene (11) Nothing works!?

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this so frustrating




  1. Her mother is first and foremost responsible. But not ALL mothers care like they should. So maybe an aunt, or sister, or some close female friend of the family can help her. Don't give up on her, when she smells and looks bad, so does the family.

  2. give her time, and if that dosnt work, show her pictures of what will happen to her if she dosnt take care of herself. for face cleaning, Cetaphil works wonders (:

  3. Like what the person above said, there's going to be a time soon when she realizes it matters. I started caring when I was 9 at least.

    But you can either calmly talk her into being more hygienic, or scare her into it, lol.

    Try telling her how if she doesn't brush her teeth she'll get cavities and it will end up causing pain especially when it comes to the point of her needing to get a filling. If she doesn't keep her hair and scalp clean and healthy it can look greasy and get dandruff. Or if she doesn't take enough baths to keep her body clean she's more vulnerable to infections if she has cuts on her skin and nobody likes to be sick!

    Or just take a time out of the day to let her know it's time to take a shower, about 2 hours before she goes to bed so she'll feel refreshed and clean and maybe if you do it long enough she'll realize how good it feels to be nice and clean rather than dirty and smelly.

    Good Luck!

  4. Teaching her good habits now will only help her in the long run. She's probably just hitting puberty, so if she doesn't take to things like deodorant and fragrances she'll be teased to high heavens by other kids. Try making it a positive thing. Take her to Bath and Body Works or Limited Too and have her find something that she thinks smells nice. Be sure to get her body wash, deodorant, and a nice smelling body splash. Try something simple like vanilla, but let her pick it out. If it's given to her she may be less likely to use it. If she's still just not receptive, perhaps the social stigma will eventually make her realize how important it is to stay fresh. As another user pointed out, once she finds an interest in boys her habits will change drastically.  

  5. She is really young...I would ask where her mother was (or is) because that's who is suppose to be teaching her about hygiene.  Also...once she gets interested in boys..her attention in this area will improve.  Just know that someone this young relies on people to teach and help her understand how to care for her body..make sure not to riducule her.  She is way too young to really understand what to do but must be taught. she poor?  I ask that because sometimes poor children (believe it or not) don't have access to basic necessties so there is alot that maybe going on here.  Just continue to give her advice (nicely) or ask another woman or female to do it.  Eventually..she will learn and begin to care for herself.  

  6. don't worry about it.

    she'll soon reach the age where she becomes interested in boys and will start paying more attention to her hygiene to gain their interest.

  7. I agree with the first answer

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