
What do you do for fun in the off-season?

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I like to have relations with my girlfriend. Though when she gets one of her "headaches" I'm relegated to playing Final Fantasy games on my trusty ol' PS1.




  1. What off season?

    in the winter and fall i play travel ice hockey and high school hockey

    in the spring i play spring league ice hockey

    during the summer i play roller hockey and in the summer high school league

  2. answer questions on here and swim for three hours everday. not exactly fun, but its getting me through it

  3. you know spend time with my girlfriend, watch some baseball, workout,  go to the beach, share my knowledge and have some fun here on Y!A and some other stuff.


  4. You could do a lot worse than Final Fantasy. I think I've devoted about a year of my life to playing FF3 and FF7 combined.

    But, I know what you mean about the relations. My woman said it's been a long time since I gave her an organism. So I gave her a cold and told her to be happy about it.

    I go to the mountains, the beach, and eat anything within my wallets reach. I also watch soccer, do tons of spreadsheets, and otherwise tend to the things I need to do to live and to stay clean.

    Being me is a full time job. I've been doing it all my life!

  5. i answer questions on Yahoo! Answers and wait to have another back surgery. Fun. BOOM.

  6. Watch baseball, golf, fish, rollerblade and bbq

  7. Hang out with friends occasionally or text people. Mainly i just sit on the computer answering questions. Then go and watch old hockey clips i have saved on my DVR.

  8. Relations with the GF is always fun, no headaches allowed.

    I play softball, ice and roller hockey in various beer leagues.

    I like to watch baseball. And I work full time, so I keep pretty busy.

  9. sneak into my neighbors pool

    gonchar where are u going

    as of now i have

    65 hours EXACT until my airplane trip

  10. Sit around and wait for hockey!!!Jk

    I miss it though and I watch whatever I can that involves hockey. I read, go out with friends, sleep(as much as I can)...

  11. I work... then mostly go out with my friends.  Bars and such.  (and my job really isn't that strenuous, heh)

    "well, new york city really has it all." -the ramones.

    honestly, there is a ton of cool stuff to do here... free kayaking, sports in the park, wandering around, museums... i take advantage of that in the summer.  especially because im moving in august. :(.

  12. Beer

  13. This year it's GTA4, listening to all of the crazy free agent rumors, and watching baseball due to a lack of any other sport.  Online poker has been an upstart hobby during the off-season as well.

    Outside is an option when it's not ungodly hot here in Kentucky.

  14. Answer questions like this!

    Quilt, work out, swim, bbq with friends.  Avoid headaches.

    Break up fights between my kids.  Be the taxi service to and from THEIR fun packed summer activities.

    Family vacations: one to England to see rellies, one to the West Coast.

    I wasn't here this time last season, but 'drop the puck already' resonates with me!

  15. just hang out with friends, relax, you know the usual.

  16. i spend a lot of time on all the different hockey websites i ca find

  17. Watch soccer & all those other good television shows.

    Sit on here, for a while, come on Y!A, watch hockey videos on Youtube, play NHL 08 :)

    Go on day trips & counting down the days to my summer vacation trip.

  18. -Answer questions on Y!A

    -Summer League

    -Weight/Running training

    -Watch baseball

    -I go to the mall a lot more too..

  19. Final Fantasy and girlfriend in the same sentence?  I think we have found the Lord o' the Geeks my friends!

    I watch baseball, the European Intenational Soccer championships.  Guess I will watch some Olympics here pretty soon although I hate the summer games outside of basketball.

  20. Well This off season. I am job hunting and it sucks. I also play hockey twice a week. I will be playing in a 4 on 4 iron woman tourney this Saturday as well. Among other little things , That I am trying to get accomplished as well.

  21. Nothing I'm a very boring person. I usually sit at the computer, or play video games. NHL 08 and Kingdom Hearts are my favorites to play when I'm bored.

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