
What do you do for time out for your self?

by  |  earlier

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I mean for your time,not mummy time alll the time, it would be nice to here,I have 5 kids in my house,i never have no time,sometimes i wish i could.




  1. I go for walks, or to a friends house, or just drive around. It really takes my mind off of things. But I make sure if I drive I don't go too far, because I do not want my anger to take charge of the wheel. Or I lock myself up in a bedroom, put a pillow over my head and just do deep breaths.

  2. i go to the gym once they are in bed and on the weekends i go shopping alone for a few hours id crack up if i didnt get this time to myself, you really should try to work out a time to relax espically with 5,ive only 3 and its great to get away sometimes

  3. Sit in a corner and don't talk to anyone.

  4. I like to take a nice warm shower or just curl up with a book/magazine.

  5. Well, I only have one child, so I think you have it harder than me!! But, I just say to my husband, "you're on baby duty today" and I go shopping for a few hours or something.  It's so important to have this alone time, or you'll go crazy!

  6. I sleep or tend to my garden walk in the woods

  7. Since you have kids you can't always just go out for some alone time. I also have kids and when they were little I would turn off all the lights in my room and light some candles and turn on some soft music and have a candlelight bubble bath everyday at nap time.  I could gather my thoughts and de-stress from all the chaos.  Also, if you have a husband or boyfriend or even just a good friend you trust with your kids then once a month leave the house all by yourself and just go for a drive or get a coffee.  Now my kids are older, 12 and 9, and because I am a stay at home mom I am with them all the time so on Sunday's my husband spends daddy time with the boys and I go to my moms house for dinner and to watch our fav. show.  You need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your kids.

  8. I take a nap...

  9. I m********e

  10. I have a few hours every evening when she's in bed, so i'll do a bit of ironing & then come online or read a mag.

    Other than that I don't have 'mummy' time, I do work though so don't want anymore time away from her, I actually love every minute with her. I know i'll get more time when she's grown up so i'm cherishing every moment I have with her now.

    But, if i had 5 kids i would definately need 'mummy' time lol

  11. If i could get a brake from my five girls, i would go pass out in a park under a huge tree and catch up on some beauty sleep!

  12. Taking baths are always a good "time out."  If you wait until they have gone to bed, you will be fine.  Make your husband be on guard in case one of them gets up.  Lock the door, take a glass of wine and enjoy!!!  You only need 30 minutes and you will feel amazing afterwards.

  13. I lock myself in my room for an hour with my waterfall sounds playing to drown my three arguing children out.

  14. Carve lizards

  15. Nothing, I dont like time out, when my children stay at my mummy's im bored stupid.  Im not into pampering myself at salons etc i'd rather do my own facials, make-up etc and when im getting my hair done I take my daughter with me so she can get hers done aswell, she's only 3 but loves the attention.  My mummy gives off cos I hardly leave the children with her but I hate being parted from them.

    Once I have this baby i'll be back at the gym in the evenings for an hour anyway so that'll probably be my time out

  16. You should ask for one day off a week. I do the gardening, read and make jam. Heavenly.

  17. When my husband comes home for work soon after dinner I go to the park and read or go visit my friend at the library (she works in the computer lab in the evenings). Or I'll grocery shop. Or shower. Or read.

  18. i go for a cycle

  19. I'd like to take a nap... A long nap and wake up when I happen to wake up.  I haven't been able to do that in 8 months.  LOL

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