
What do you do froggin?

by Guest11021  |  earlier

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are you in the water in a boat and you jump on them or what explain plZ




  1. Frog gigging is simple, equipment wise. You need a paddle boat, a gig, and a .22 rifle. The container for the frogs varies with the hunters. We used at least a five gallon bucket. Cutting up an old tractor inner tube, we'd stretch it over the top of the bucket and cut a slit in the middle. This held the frogs just fine.

    See for more.  If you tire of gigging frogs, noodle catfish instead.

  2. there is a thing that kinda looks like a pitch fork..but is smaller and you just wait by ponds and throw it at them or juss stab and kill also known as frog giggin

  3. AT NIGHT Walk the bank with a flashlight and a "gig"(3 metal prongs{like a fork?}on a pole).

    See a frog, blind/freeze it with the light, IMPALE IT'S GREEN A$$ !!

  4. You have a pole with a fork looking think on the end called a gig and you stab the frogs with it. its at night in a boat and you shine them with lights

  5. A more humane way to capture frogs without poking holes through their guts is to use a large treble hook on a 18" leader hung from the end of a bamboo pole.  Shine the light in their eyes, lower the hook and catch them under the chin, behind the chin bone.  This will allow you to release them relatively unharmed if they are under sized.

  6. On the land. You sneak up behind those suckers and gram em

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