
What do you do if husband keeps threatening to leave you?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone have words of advice?




  1. Sit him down and work out a fair settlement then open the door and show him the way out.

  2. Tell him this: don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.

  3. My ex husband used to do the same thing.  

    Now that I'm out of my unhealthy relationship I can see it for what it was.  Threatening to leave but never following through is a control tactic.  Your husband sounds like he has some serious control issues like mine did (still does, but not my problem anymore).

    Do a search on the internet on controlling behaviors and emotional abusers.  Controlling your spouse is a form of emotional abuse.

    You may be surprised that your husband exhibits several behaviors associated with contollers and emotional abusers.

    At least once you know what the problem is maybe he will agree to get help and save your marriage.  Mine wouldn't.............but best of luck to you.

  4. Tell him "Bye" and ask him if he'll call you when he gets where he's going.

  5. pack his bag and leave it at the door.

  6. When he goes to work pack his bags and change the locks on all the doors, clean out your joint accounts. Leave a note on his belongs that says here I helped you out.

  7. Let him go. If he truly loves you then he will be back and it won't take long. He is just playing you and your feelings. The more you react the worst his behavior will get.

  8. pack his  bag and call him a cab

  9. Sit him down and explain to him how it makes you feel. Tell him that if you two are having so many problems within the marriage that he is going to repeatedly threaten to leave, that you would like to seek marriage counseling in order to help save the marriage. If he loves you, he would not say such a hurtful thing. The truth is that communication is key and you two may need some professional help to patch things up.

  10. Tell him to leave and even offer to help him pack, if he is serious about leaving he'll go if not then he will think twice about saying it again.  

  11. pack his stuff and kick him to the curb !

  12. open the door for him

    that is obviously ur weakness and he knows it,thats why he is using it against u,if he wanted to leave,he would be gone.whatever he uses against you, u need to let it go otherwise he will just constantly use it on u.

  13. sounds as if it may be a cry for help,but its a pretty immature way to deal with troubles. then again he could be serious about it, and maybe u need to discuss it and work out what your going to do.

  14. we were in a fight( 3 weeks long) and he tried  it , the next day i called child support services and file for it . after they told him how much he will be paying , he has never said it again . matter of fact he said i was joking , you know i will never leave you guys. i replied  i know i was joking too but i wanted you to see how much it will cost just for the kids if you do so . guess we were all joking . hihihihihi

    first i told him there is the door , the patio door and the windows . whichever you want you can exit from . i will see you in court .

  15. I believe that the "D" word (leaving) should not be an option to bring up unless you are going to carry it through. It is way too emotionally draining and damaging.  It causes an emotional detachment and loss of trust to happen.  It can cause you to distance yourself because you are preparing for it to happen.  It is used by people who are selfish and controlling.  

    You need to see a good marriage therapist.  Even if he wont go, you need to go.  

    Read some of the websites I have listed at the end.   You are suffering and hurting.  You are confused and your heart feels betrayed.

    Please find ways to feel good.....take walks, eat right, sleep, find a hobby and get a really good job skill or go to college.  

    good luck  

  16. he is what you can call an attension seeker - let him go and close the door behind him cause you not giong to be there waiting lifes short he is a grown man - so there you go - good bye brother  


    ive been recomending this article all day. I think its a must read when your going througth a break up. I wish i read it last night, I could have kept some of my dignity. ( 30 calls in one night) whew.  Anyways. he might change his mind.

  18. Boot his sorry a** out the door and liberate yourself!!! He will sing a different song when he is faced with actually standing on the wrong side of the door with nowhere to go. Don't take that c**p~ you are better than that!!!

  19. If he keeps threatening to leave then either tell him to do it already or stop threatening if he isn't going to.

  20. Say, "you know where the door is, don't let it hit ya where the good Lord split ya"....

  21. Let him leave.  If he is serious, then ask him what is taking him so long.  

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