
What do you do if somebody asks if they're invited to you're party but they aren't?

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I know this girl, and if she finds out about anybody's party she asks them if she's invited. She's done this sometimes and the case is she's not invited. My birthday's coming up and we're not the closest of friends so what happens if she asks me if she's invited and she's not. What do I say?




  1. Just tell her you could only invite a limited number of only your best and closest friends.

  2. She might not ask! Make sure you're tactful enough not to mention or talk about your party in her hearing but don't make a big thing about 'not telling her'.

    If she does ask you must be truthful, kind and polite saying, for instance, "I'm sorry, no." You could add that it's a only a small do then nicely change the subject about something you have in common - work, school - or say something positive about her such as, "That colour/hairstyle/bag/perfume really suits you." (Be genuine or don't say it at all - people always know.)

    On the other hand if this lass is really up for a party perhaps you should invite her.

  3. Tell her "no."  

    You can say that you are inviting a limited number of people to your party. (Mom's wishes, etc.). If she asks, then, you can say very nicely, "I'm sorry you aren't invited. I hope you understand."

    Don't let her guilt you into inviting her if you really did not intend to invite her.  

    When I was younger, I wasn't invited to many parties. I felt awful. My parents tried to make me feel  better about it, but I still felt left out.

    They did say 'You won't be invited to a lot of parties. It's a fact of life."

    And, to be truthful, some of the kids who had these parties weren't very nice and I was happy not to be included.  

  4. Tell her honestly.

    no need to worry about hurting her.

    If she have already grown up, she will understand automatically.

  5. Just be honest and tell her that you could only invite a certain amount of people, that you could not invite everyone you know! If she is offended, just politely say that you are sorry and repeat what I said above! Just be aware too though that sometimes people can be very cruel and purposely talk about a party infront of others as a way of hurting their feelings. Try to keep the party low-key and not talk about it infront of everyone.

  6. You can be honest and tell her no she's not invited, or invite her so she won't feel excluded.  How much harm can she do it she's there?

  7. How RUDE! I feel your pain. I hate it when people do that. It's very unpolite, and not very nice at all. If she asks say "Sorry, no. I'm only aloud to have a certain amount of people".  

  8. Tell her that she is not invited. Tell her that is not cool that she tries to invite herself to parties.  Tell her if she stops acting so desperate she ma have more friends.

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