
What do you do if the warden shows up drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I work at a prison and this question was asked to me:

You work on nightshift as a supervisor (Lieutenant) and the Warden shows up at the front gate drunk. What do you do?

Only serious answers please.




  1. You need to speak with the person that is over your warden (i.e. D.O.C. Administrator).  A bolder route is to refuse to let him in and call the police.  I would recommend my first suggestion.

  2. You protect your job and family, let him in!

    Or if you covered at work, drive him home

    Then stay with him for everyones protection

    Good theoretical answers are not always good in the real world

    This is not the answer I would give on a test!

  3. refuse to let him in.  

  4. He should not be turning up for work under the influence of alcohol. Therefore he should be turned away and also reported to his superior officer.

  5. Have someone drive him home for the time being.  Turn it over to superiors or supervising body.  You can't leave him standing there or grant him access while you try to call someone.  Get him out of there and then follow through.  

  6. It would depend on your agency's policy.  At my agency if one of my people (I'm a Sergeant and supervise a squad) reports for work with even the odor of alcohol on their breath I order them to take a breath test.  If they refuse their is an additional disciplinary charge of insubordination in addition to being under the influence on duty.  If the breath test shows the presence of alcohol (any amount) I send them home-without pay (probably via a ride from another Officer) and write them up.  

    If I suspect they are under the influence of drugs then I order them to take a blood test.

    So far (knock on wood) I have never had to do this but that is the policy where I work.

    If the person out ranks you then you contact their supervisor and report them.

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