
What do you do if u receive your very first academic failure in college?

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i was given 96 grade on math on highschool

now, i failed in college a disgrace

should i suicide?




  1. oh come on. it can happen to anyone. it's just some grade. you can try again.

  2. Yes, there is no purpose in your living now. Stop wasting the air of the smart people and just die. NO NOT REALLY. Repeat the course and get math lab help or whatever you have to do to get an A. If you are not going to grad school it will mean absolutely nothing except some wasted time and a lesson learned. If you are planning to go to grad school, it will only really matter if you are a math/engineering major, and even then the best strategy is to replace it with an A, and if you are questioned about it when you apply to grad school to chalk it up to underclassmen foolishness. Just don't keep doing it.  

  3. I failed calculus.  I am an engineer.  I have a persona non grata from 3 different colleges.

  4. Hahaha. Don't be absurd. A college degree does not guarantee a well-paid job. It doesn't matter if you failed one course or 20. It does not make a difference in the real world. After having gone through college for 5 years and received advanced degrees, I'm now absolutely sure that it doesn't make a difference out there in the world. I make six figures and I have friends who started working right out of high school and they make six figures too, some of them make triple my salary. In fact, a college friend who dropped out in our first year of college makes quadruple my salary! So, no worries. Retake the course and do your best to get a passing grade. Trust me. It makes no difference out there. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for college education but it is 100% overrated.  

  5. And your other options are?


  6. of course not not give up science teacher told me that she failed her first year because of few reasons.........try finding that reason and try again

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