
What do you do if you've lost a library book?

by  |  earlier

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Is it simply go in and tell them

or is there a fine or do you have to pay the price of the book

or what do i do?





  2. If you've lost a book, just go to or call the Library and report that material you checked out has been misplaced.

    Policies vary from library to library. In most cases, you'll be charged a "handling" fee (which means a re-order fee) and charged for replacement. This is where your cost may vary widely.

    Some libraries have a "set" cost for ALL books (paperback, hardcover, etc). So they may charge you as little as $10 per missing material. However, other libraries keep EXACT accounting and may charge you the PURCHASE cost of the book. Libraries usually purchase at a discount, so this can be an advantage.

    DO NOT just try and hide. If the library employs a collection agency, you will get tracked down or live your life on the lam... and when they DO track you down, the fines for NOT reporting the material loss are usually greater (although many libraries simply report the material lost after a set amount of time over due, say, 90 days, and send you a bill.) If that library employs collection development, it WILL harm your credit record!

    So your answer is: just go to the library, pay for the book, and move on.

  3. Pay for it...and don't worry, the price is always CHEAP!

  4. Go to the library & tell them, policy on what happens next will depend on the library but they will probably ask you for the cost of the book, depending on how old the book is and the use they have had out of it they may only ask for a nominal sum towards its replacement but if it was brand new they may ask for the full whack.  

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