
What do you do if you've lost the will to live?

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(please don't confuse this with being suicid@l)

I just woke up this morning and just realised that I don't actually really care about anything. And I wish I'd never been born. Life is just too much trouble and just a general burden. And for what? For absolutely nothing.

How can I get out of this way of thinking? Bearing in mind that we can't chose to be born or not.




  1. Stop drinking, smoking, quarrelling with idiots for a week. Have a totally clear mind and go for brisk walking in the park or seaside with a close friend or relative. Eat 5 of the top dishes in your community and indulge in a couple of interesting outdoor games. Visit a couple of Homes for the handicapped persons. Speak to a visually-impaired person.  Your perception  of life will take on a pleasant and encouraging change within the next 2 weeks. And you SHALL feel real good about yourself and life in general. Believe, it is true....Cheers!!

  2. How can I get out of this way of thinking?

    Pretty simple really.  

    If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, Ayn Rand or Tony Robbins - you will desire & do.

    If you listen to CNN, NPR or Karl Marx - you will b*tch & moan.

    If you listen to those who say you are a worthless human being, or that human beings are worthless, you will become worthless.

    Tell these idiots 'to go f*ck themselves' and you can have a great life.

    Philosophically speaking, you must either get religion or embrace the void.  

    Right now you are just staring at the void - which is deadly.

    If you get religion go with Christianity, it is far an away the best, which is why the Socialists hate it.  

    But if 'feel good' mythology isn't for you, here's how you make the void your friend.

    Accept that it's all for nothing.   That you are meaningless.   That in 10 billion years the Earth will be a giant eternal snowball.

    So, if you are meaningless, isn't you depression meaningless as well?   Isn't the stress at the hardships of life meaningless?

    Nothing 'chooses' to be born because you have to be born to choose.   And choosing is the only issue here.

    To be is to choose.  To choose is to do.   You are a 'being'.   Understand?  

    As a 'human' being, you will typically get about 60 years of making choices.  

    Then it's lights out.  Snowball time.   Think of it as giant test you cannot fail.  A game you can't lose.

    So there is only one question.   Do you want to play?

    The game football is meaningless.  It's a bunch of perky cheerleaders & sweaty jocks fixated on moving a ball around.  

    If fact the only thing more meaningless that football is sitting in the bleachers whining about how meaningless it is.

    So here are your chioces.

    A)   Perky Cheerleaders & Sweaty Jocks

    B)    60 years of whining

    C)   Oblivion.

    Good luck.

  3. What do you do if you've lost the will to live?


    Find the will to live.

  4. Thoughts keep changing. Love with an open heart. Dont judge anything. Break out of the cycle of negativity through meditation and jump in the ocean of unconditional love without expectations and worries. Worries and anticipitions make no difference to anthing. When you love others, you will get healed too.

    Peace, Love and Blessings!

  5. HA laughable you have deluded yourself about what you truly feel life is too much trouble says it all. You think you dont care if you didnt care then what would be too much trouble??? You wish you hadnt been born what reason is there to wish such a thing If you didnt care either way you would be neutral you would be so Zen nothing could disturb you but i assure you that you are not. You care about having to push through life and you dont want to do it. So you do care about something I dont poke fun at you i was like this as well then i realized it wasnt that i didnt care it was that things were not going my way. Most people call it depression and only you can fix it. Unless of course you resort to prescription drugs in which case you may not fix it but become dependent on the feeling they give. Try meditation it releases the good and bad by stopping desire you enter a state of true let-go and all things fall away. And if you dont think you care about anything try it and see if you were wrong.

  6. Basically, you have to find something that gives you a reason to live.  The reason that a person gives up the reason to live is because they have nothing to live for.  When you find a cause that is greater than yourself, you also find something that gives your life meaning but you must be willing to fight otherwise there is no reason to go on.  Life will always seem like too much trouble until you accept that life is always too much trouble and persevere above that notion.  

  7. You are unique as you are here and now.

    You are never the same.

    You will never be the same again.

    You have never before been what

    you are now. You will never be it again.

  8. i know what you mean!, i been there. its called depression.

  9. "It is not in our hands to prevent our birth: but we can correct this mistake -- for in some cases it is a mistake. When one *does away with* oneself, one does the most estimable thing possible: one almost earns the right to live..."

    [Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, Skirmishes, 36.]

    You can't choose to be born, but you can choose to die -- i.e., correct the mistake! (if it is, indeed, a mistake).

    On the other hand, you say life is "just a general burden". A burden on whom, or what? If you weren't alive, there would be no one to bear the burden. Therefore, the end of life is no relief, as when life has ended there is no one or nothing left to feel relieved. What exactly are you comparing life with? What *can* you compare it with? Ah, but you say you "don't actually really care about anything"...

    "To go on vegetating in cowardly dependence on physicians and machinations, after the meaning of life, the *right* to life, has been lost, that ought to prompt a profound contempt in society."


    I quote this for you to show you that Nietzsche more or less equated the meaning of life with the *right* to life. If your life has no meaning then you have no right to life. Now we can see why "correcting the mistake" that is one's birth almost gives one the right to live: for then one actually has a *purpose* in life: to correct the mistake of being born, to erase the mistake that one is, to *improve life*:

    "Society -- what am I saying! -- *life* itself derives more advantage from this [i.e., suicide] than from any "life" of renunciation, anemia, and other virtues: one has liberated the others from one's sight; one has liberated life from an *objection*..."


    To liberate life from the objection that one represents is then the noble goal of one's life. Bottom line: my advice to you is to find a meaning, a purpose, a goal in life -- and if you can't find a better one, make "doing away with" yourself your goal...

  10. this is similar to the depressive part of manic-depressive behaviour / bipolar (you guys have such a nice way - don t hurt my feelings type - to say it in english; in my language we call it bluntly m-d psychosis!) ---were you ever diagnosed as such??

    as one of the 3 possible m-d stages, you may have just the depressive part embedded in your personality structure. and in my experience so far i m well aware of the fact that it can strike at any given moment regardless of your daily activity, social life, work&travel, etc.

    you just wake up one morning and realise if the whole world would burn to ashes you would do nothing to stop it and wouldn t care in the less wheather you were captured/ trapped/ caught in the middle of the fire. why? - cos you re already inside a nightmare, you surrendered without a fight...

    you know you have to escape and do it fast!!!... but you are paralised , held down firmly by a strong grip.

    you feel like chokeing, you can t breathe..; pain washes you along the shore in the end

    by fortune you manage to escape just before everything is lost! then you promise yourself next time you ll be stronger....

    the state approaches and you read the signs and you manage to block it for a while. so you think it went away..... oh!, how foolish you can be at times!!  

    next time it strikes you re on your knees, begging for life, and to be let live.

    but IT is def..... the more you plead, the less IT listens to your need .

    so you stop pleading and... in your mind you make a plan to be.. unwined . (unwired works the same)



  11. Honestly I think the only person who can answer this question is you, I think it's different for everyone, you just have to find something to live for. As long as you can push through how you feel for awhile and try to find happy things in life, whether its people or just whatever works for you, you will eventually find something you wish to live for. Then again i'm no expert but I have felt the way you feel plenty of times, sometimes i'm not sure, but it's always best to keep going.

  12. I feel like that too sometimes...

    But i think you just need to sit and think about it...

    like find somethin you realy want to do...

    and follow a dream...

    Get a hobby...something you love...

    Find something you wanna live for...

    Dont be Depressed =D lol

  13. There is only one freedom- and one way to get there is to observe without trying to suppress, all the thoughts that flash through your mind and in time your thoughts will become slower. Until they cease altogether- you will then be in a state of total relaxation. And - take it from there.

  14. Go back to bed and sleep it off.  

  15. I reason was because of strenght. You could try super sizing.

  16. I've struggled with this ennui through most of my adult life.  During the blackest periods I retreat to a philosophy of just putting one foot in front of the other, over and over again.  Eventually something comes along that makes life interesting and worthwhile for a moment to two, and as it turns out, those times are usually worth waiting for.

    Good luck....

  17. I have been there many times. I have to change my way of thinking when I start to go that way coz its really way too depressing. Do you have a pet? Usually pets make people feel so much better. Or make a list of the things that you make you smile and ones that don't. Go online for "hobbies" and see what comes up that might spark your interest, (painting ceramics, quilting, macrame, scrapbooking, etc.)You need something that will take a considerable amoun t of time and some thought, that way you're thinking on the positive not the negative;.

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