
What do you do if you are a Democrat on all other issues but support family values?

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You know what I mean so don't provide answers regarding Democratic plans to assist families financially etc




  1. 1 - The highest family value should be to not kill your own children.  The Democrat Party supports killing children and Obama voted 3 times to kill children after they are born and living outside the womb if the mother wanted the child aborted.  I don't know how you can support a Party that puts someone like this as their leader.

    2 - Welfare and other hand out programs.  The Democrat Party has supposedly had a war on poverty for almost 50 years and during this time all they have done is switch dependency from a father to the gov't by making the father irrelevant and making the state the provider.  This hurts families.  Can you think of any other war the Democrat Party supports?  Oh that's right Democrats got us into Vietnam and Republicans took us out of it.  Republicans have always supported aid to learn skills and become a productive part of society.  A hand up through knowledge and education will always be supported by the Republican Party.  The Hand Out model of the Democrat/Socialist Party doesn't work and hurts families and people.  The Republican Party wants to teach a man to fish so he can provide for himself and family.  The Democrat Party wants to give him a fish every day so he has to come back and support them forever.

    3 - Lower taxes help people.  Even if the gov't gives money back to people it's a small percentage of what they took in.  Robin Hood did steal from the rich and give to the poor.  Read the story.  The rich was the gov't that took everything from the people through taxation.  Robin Hood fought against big gov't and high taxes to return freedom to the people and allow them to survive on their own.

    4 - Voucher system.  The Republican Party believes parents should have the right to send their children to any school they want.  Republicans believe partents know what is best for their children.  Democrats want to force children to attend the gov't/union run school determined by the gov't instead of the parents.  This is wrong.

    5 - infinity:  There are examples after examples of how the Republican Party is clearly the party of family values.  If you believe in family values it's time to stand up for them and vote Republican.

  2. "My friends, I am sorry, but we will have more wars" "I will make Bush tax breaks (for rich) permanent" and your grand children will pay hard for Bush/McCain wars. That is of course a "support for family values"..

    a la McCain

  3. I don't know what you mean.

    Please be specific on which family values you disagree with Democrats on?

  4. I think you messed up you wrote but support family values. Democrats value their families above anything in the world this is why people like Biden live in Delaware & take the 90 min. commute one way. He is the poorest one in the Senate & McCain the multiple cheater left his wife & children. He didn't talk to his children until he decided to run for President. His wife cheated on her husband to be with him & she doesn't even live with him. His family life is a mess. It is all about money with them....Both dems are happily married men. VP Biden has a tragic think happened. If you don't know look up his name on he is not going to tell the story cause people who have really had to go through something tragic don't bring up there story 30 years later.

  5. This is so sad.

    Uh.... please tell me one person in the entire WORLD who does not "support family values."

    Geez Louise.

  6. You can't be a democrat and support family values. It flies directly in the face of what they believe. You become an independent and then be shocked that you never vote for democrats.

  7. I think you should vote Democratic.  Democrats are not against traditional family values, they are just tolerant of those that don't agree.

  8. Depends.  Whose family? Whose values?

  9. i take offense with what you spouted, i have raised most of my kids, plus my 3 Grandkids, and now i am down to one 13 year old, and the way the country is going i'll probably be raising their kids~!

    so get off that selfrightous attitude about only republicans have family values, just because they usually are rich enough to send their kids to boarding school, military scool, finishing schooll, or anyplace else they don't personallyy have to take care of them~!

  10. I have no idea what you are talking about

    Using the bullet point format could you please list and succinctly define 10 -20 so called family values

    Thank you for your efforts

  11. Right now our country is in trouble and you need to think about the America.  We cannot stand another Bush term and McCain is in lock step with the Bush's.  The Neo-Cons have actually kidnapped the Republican party and they are having a field day with the corruptions and lying.

  12. Vote for McCain unless you want to pay more taxes for Obama's social programs


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  13. Family first in my book, You have to make up you own mind, or write in a candidate that better fills all of your beliefs!

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