
What do you do if you are stuck in a job?

by Guest21564  |  earlier

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...that is boring as h**l, but convenient. Your family wants that you do it. The moment you quit, everything goes haywire (once happened). Your family needs money, you need money, but the job sucks big-time. You cannot study further or look for a better job (money, again). You are worried about your future. Your family is worried about your (and their) present. You do not have enough support, but need to go on. How?




  1. No reason in the world to stay in a job you find boring - the key is to look for another job while you are working so you don't end up without salary. Start looking at wanted ads, after you decided what you think you would like. You can go through this while you are working and only when the other job has accepted you, you give notice (make sure you cover yourself so you don't end up leaving one job before you are certain you get the other one). This is if you go for being employed. Another option, altogether, is to open a business. If you have talents or assets that can be used to open a business, a store, a service, anything that is needed and doesn't need too big an investment, try that - but do take advice. You can do that even while being employed, depending on what business you chose. There usual is a small business administration where you can get advice and even loans if you are eligible. Incidentally - the family needs money - do they participate in making money ? No reason your wife can't work if she has a skill and doesn't need to stay home to take care of the kids. Nobody said that men are the only ones who have to provide. Good luck, staying in a job you don't like is not healthy, not for you and not for the job.

  2. i will try to adjust my self and work for more hours and will study also.

  3. look for work in your free time or just quit and let someone els take the weight of the world for a time.

  4. Apply for other jobs, don't tell people, only when you get a much better offer than you have now. Good luck. Change is not easy and might be scary.

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