
What do you do if you can't afford your energy bill?

by  |  earlier

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I owe 800 on my energy bill cause I lost my job for 3 months and now I have a job but it was to late to do a payment arrangment, and they just shut my gas off in denver to my house and they want me to pay it in full, and they said my electricity will be next. I hate this. Im a poor college student. I need help




  1. How did you ever run up a $800 bill? My monthly bill is around $20 and have you ever heard of saving when you did have the job in case of situations like this, I am a college student is best to always have 3 months worth of rent and utility bills saved up in case of emergencies

  2. 1) Get a battery operated fan

    2) Buy some candles

    3) Get a job

    4) Pay the electric bill

    5) Enjoy light and a/c again.

  3. You either pay for it or do without.   Power is not a free public service.

  4. I think if you pay anything they will not shut off the power. Call them and ask what arrangements can be made before they shut the power off, because there will be a charge to hook it back up again too.

  5. Borrow money from your parents and then ask a friend to move in with you to help you with the bills.  

    It's summer, and you didn't pay, so they're allowed to cut you off.  If it comes to that, then not only will you need to pay a reconnection charge, they might also want a deposit in case you fall behind again.

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