
What do you do if you feel yourself slipping into depression?

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My family is nothing but trouble and I live very far away from them and have absolutely no contact with anyone but my mom who I talk to infrequently.

I just changed schools and now go to a big university where I know no one and everything is very impersonal. I go to school everyday and then come home and clean or wait for my husband to get home.

I have one friend but she just had a baby and I can't really talk to her or spend any time with her.

We haven't seen my husband's family for a very long time because it never seems to work out with us driving down there for the weekend (either he's too tired from work, or we have to do something else, or they are gone). I just feel so isolated and I feel myself slipping into depression.

My doctor put me on Wellbutrin SR (150mg twice a day but I was only taking 150mg once a day to ramp up on in. Today is my first day on 2).

I have a history of depression but I've been doing so well this year and I'm very scared and don't want to go back into that place.

Does anyone have any tips for me? I feel so isolated and lonely in life. My husband and I don't have lasting friends and I have a hard time feeling close to his family due to the fact that my family is and was so abusive and I have a hard time trusting and opening up because of that.




  1. Do yourself a favor and see if your uni has counseling services.  Not opening up and not trusting are some of the fall out from an abusive upbringing.  So is depression.  If you can work some of that out, you might have less of a problem with depression in the future.  You might also find it easier to get closer to ppl, which of course, may also reduce depression.  

    Aside from that, see what activities there are on campus.  Join something.  Even if it doesn't completely grab your interest, it beats spending too much time home alone.  Or, join a volunteer program.  Habitat for humanity is one I like, but there are many others.  Join whatever, give it a while, and if it's not for you, move on to something else.  Your anti-d increase should kick in and the two together should have synergy.

  2. EXERCISE!!!!! I know it is hard to do but exercising releases chemicals in your brain to make you feel better...that is how I got through depression...I didn't take pills

  3. keep yourself busy and join some social clubs/groups. get out as much as possible as well.

  4. I feel your pain. I too have dealt with the pains of depression most of my life. It is just recently that I have begun to make strides toward a happy medium. If I could suggest for you to start yourself into a group therapy program at your local mental health center. This is not as expensive as a paid doctor, they base your bill on your gross annual income. This has proven to be most benificial in my case because, in listening to others talk on a wide range of issues, I find I am definitely not alone. I also find there are others worse off than I am. This being the case, I get a chance to help them just by being there to listen to them get it out. That is what its about, getting it out of you so you can stop carrying the depressive issues inside of you. And start feeling better because of the good feelings associated with making others feel better either just by listening or talking so they can see they are not alone. There is also a book you can get to read that helped me alot, "Breaking The Patterns Of Depression" by,Michael D. Yapko,PH.D. He will help you recognize the triggers and different types of ways you can fight the symptoms of depression. Hope  this helps you the way it has helped me. Good Luck and remember you are loved, and there is always someone who cares.

  5. Well it's time to make some positive changes to prevent yourself slipping back into a depressive frame of mind. You need to focus on the positive aspects of your situation equally as much as you dwell on the negative. I don't know your situation but you need to think of at least 2-3 positive counter arguments for each negative statement you are making about your current problems. It helps to write these things down. Take the things that are bothering you, consider both the negative and positive aspects of each and consider a positive solution.

    You may feel like you cant talk to people but you have mentioned several people in your life who i'm sure care about you very much and wouldnt mind whatsoever taking an hour out of their day to meet up and have a catch up with you. Don't feel like a burden, they want to talk with you! You need to take the initiative and motivate yourself whilst you still can. The more depressed you get the harder it gets to make these changes. Try doing things you enjoy and pamper yourself, give yourself a break and appreciate the little things in life that make you happy. Spend some quality time with yourself and those you care about the most.

    Hope this helps! If all else fails i find dancing to my favourite music in an empty house works wonders for an immediate cheerup.  

  6. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

  7. If you do not have enough money, you could take drugs, like alcohol or crack, to feel better and many do. But that does not cure it. The cure is to make more money. If you are depressed, the cure is not to take a drug, like Prozac. The cure is to be happier. If you have panic or anxiety, which everyone feels at one time or another, the cure is not to take drugs. The cure is to feel more tranquility, calmness and peace of mind. See site below for more on this.

    You have immense love, peace and happiness inside of you. You just need to access it (see page about finding happiness also).

    Kevin Trudeau says in his best selling book, Natural Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About, "All illnesses and diseases are caused by the same things; (1) too many toxins in the body; (2) nutritionally deficiencies; (3) electromagnetic chaos exposure; (4) mental and/or emotional distress." "The most effective way to cure and prevent disease is by getting the toxins out." "One very powerful cleanse is, of course, fasting." "Drugs only suppress symptoms, and they cause disease because they are toxic." In More Natural Cures Revealed, Kevin Trudeau says "The facts are clear, drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, do not make you healthier, they make you sicker. Drug companies are not interested in your health. Drug companies only want you to buy and use more drugs. If you want to cure yourself of any disease you have and remain healthy, you must eliminate all non-prescription and prescription drugs."

  8. Have you ever tried yoga? Its a very good way of clearing your mind and making you feel physically better too, whats more if you join a yoga class or something similar you'll get to meet new people and hopefully make some new friends too.

  9. take your pills listen to music stay on answers and help other s so you forget about the problems you have  

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