
What do you do if you saw a kid get smacked in the back of the head at WalMart by his father?

by  |  earlier

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Its hard (obviously) to see something like that, and not report it...but how would you handle it? The father was yelling at him, then just smacked him...I was shocked to see this...




  1. def report him!!! thats abuse!!! don't ever talk to the person though... because he could hurt you. just kind of follow him and call 911 get his lisence plate if u can too.

  2. Oh my gosh.... REPORT IT!!! THAT'S CHILD ABUSE, the cruelest thing that could ever happen to a child! And you SHOULD be shocked! Report it ASAP, these criminals need to be stopped!

  3. I would think to careful what you do there guy. This kid could grow up and cause you more problems than 10 kids put together.  

  4. this use to be legal

    now people actually realize it


    Report it :)

    No one deserved to be treated that way  

  5. I know this isn't going to be popular but I'd ask what was the kid doing?  It's sometimes hard to be a parent these days because the only forms of discipline people want to see are you talking to your kid and calmly putting them in time out.  Well, that doesn't always work when you have a stubborn child who is set on acting out.  Or a kid doing something dangerous that needs immediate intervention.  It is possible that the smack you saw came at the end of hours of trying to reason with a child who was set on not allowing his parent to do the shopping required to keep a family in food and clothes and school supplies.  Unless the smack knocked the kid down or the child had other visible bruises that would lead you to believe abuse occurs regularly I'd mind my own business.

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