
What do you do if you see a bear?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going camping with my fam in an area with a lot of brown bears this wkend, and am wondering what one does if they see a brown bear fairly close to them to keep from feeling its bear vengence/wrath... any suggestions would be great thx




  1. Bears don't just go around mauling people like they do in movies.

  2. you are apparently supposed to lay down and play dead ... and maybe... go to a different camping area that doesnt have bears lol

  3. Bears don't feel "vengeance" or "wrath". They would rather avoid contact with humans. Don't be so anthropomorphic.

  4. make a lot of noise and scare it away.

  5. You sure it's actually "brown bear" or is it the common "black bear" whose coat can be any color from light brown to deep dark black?

    In any case, it can be a very good idea to make some noise to ensure the bear knows you are there. After that what you do depends on how the bear reacts to your presence.

    In the case of a "black bear", if the bear seems interested in comming toward you or your camp:

    make yourself look as big as you can

    make a huge amount of noise

    and try to scare it off

    In the case of a "brown bear" or "grizzly bear":

    Again make some sort of noise so it knows you are there but not a huge amount of noise. More like talking to it in a low calm voice.

    Do NOT run! Move away from where the bear is in a calm manner.

    The "lay down and play dead" tactic is a last ditch attempt to keep from being killed and only rarely effective when a bear has actually attacked.

  6. Just bring someone slower than you.

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