
What do you do if you think your daughter can climb out of crib?

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She is 14 months old and I think she is going to figure out how to get out of the crib. Any suggestions?




  1. First, if you haven't already lowered the mattress to it's bottom level, you should do so NOW.  If that's already been done, and she's still able to see over the top rail, you need to get her a toddler bed/day bed.  If you don't, she'll certainly hurt herself falling from that height.  Why, might I ask, would you even consider asking this question?  This is a simple common sense scenario that could be solved without any forethought.  I certainly hope that you don't waste valuable time on more serious medical or safety situations.

  2. Depends if you want to keep her in the crib or not and if you are worried about her hurting herself when she tries to get out of her crib.  I would either consider a toddler bed or if you want to keep her in her crib a little longer but worry about her hurting herself, just make sure there is some cushions or a mat or something on the ground so that if she does shimmy over the top she doesnt hurt herself.  My son sleeps in a gro bag and I think this helps in keeping him in the crib - for the time being anyway!  They are like a sleeping bag all in one with a zip up the front!

  3. When my kids starting climbing out, I switched to a toddler bed with a pop rail. if they climbed out of that- they wouldn't likely get hurt. It's just too risky for them to climb out of a crib and risk breaking their neck.

  4. Well, of course she's going to figure it out, they all do. But unless she's actually climbing, I'd leave her in there for a while. She's very small for a bed.

  5. My brother did that. We just bought a new crib. It's usually because she doesn't want to take naps.

  6. My son did this at about that age too. He’s always been a climber since he was 10 months old. (Talk about giving me a flipping heart attack half the time)

    I noticed he only climbed out of his crib when he’d wake up and wanted to try to play with the toys outside his crib. He wouldn’t crawl out at night, he wouldn’t crawl out during his naps, only when he woke up. So because of this, I didn’t get his toddler bed, I gave it a week or two.

    He is almost 2 yrs old and still in his crib. He can crawl out if he wants, he knows how to do so, but I personally felt he wasn’t ready for a toddler bed quite yet. Crawling out of a crib means he can crawl out of a crib. It doesn’t mean that he’s ready for his toddler bed. (My opinion on my son) When he turns 2, we’ll most likely start transitioning him to his bed. He’ll probably do very well with it because he’ll sleep wherever you put him.

    I think this is a personal choice. If you feel she’s ready to be in her own bed, then awesome, get one ready. But if you feel she’s still a little small, then just use your judgement with how often she crawls out and see if it’s a safety hazard for her. And decide from there…

    Best of luck to you!

  7. Get her a bed, can be a normal size one, just use lots of pillows. My son stopped wriggling so much once he had fallen out a few times. LOL Learn by your mistakes....

  8. one remove all toys and bumpers so she has no leverage. Two lower the matters to the very bottom.   in another four months well even now if you want you can change to toddler bed or a twin.  my daughter went straight to a twin bed. We got a slide away bed rail to keep her in  and a step stool to help her get up  

  9. Make sure that you have the mattress all the way down to the lowest it can go. That way it will make the rails higher and harder for her to 'escape'

    Just remember that if she is figuring out how to get out, she's a smart one, it takes alot of thought to figure out how to actually pull herself out and around the crib in the first place.

    I think you also may want to get her into a toddler bed, or a 'big girl bed' with rails on the sides to make sure she doesn't fall out when she's sleeping-

  10. well get a toddler bed so you dont have to worry about here getting hurt.

    but until then but a nanny cam in here room and watch and make sure

  11. I would consider graduating her to a toddler bed.  It could be dangerous for her to climb out the bed.  For safety, I would either ditch the crib and just use a mattress on the floor for her or buy a toddler bed.

  12. Get her into a toddler bed before she falls out of the crib.

  13. then she no longer needs to be in the crib. what makes you think she would be able to get out anyways? I think that should have a big impact on whether you should stop using the crib or not.

  14. mine did all the time... don't worry about it.. If you are that concerned, get her a toddler bed.  

    mine started climbing out as soon as she learned to walk... so she ended up sleeping in my bed because it was easier for me to keep her safe on the bed.  I was a single mom though

  15. Try to watch her when she wakes up from a nap without her seeing you.

    If you see her start to try to get out of the crib, either lower the mattress or buy a toddler bed. But, I think it might be a little early yet for a toddler bed. Try reading this:

  16. toddler bed time ( well actually they are a waste of money unless your criv turns into a twin bed) i would still wait and ee cause that is quite young to switch to a toddler bed but hey ya never know!!

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