
What do you do if your PARKED car gets hit in your Boyfriends DRIVEWAY?

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I had my car parked in my boyfriends driveway and the people that hit it came in the driveway when it was broad daylight so they saw my car was parked there. They didn't leave until it was around 9pm or so. They were "supposivedly" backing up and turned and hit it. They knew my car was parked there so they knew. But it f*cked up my driver side front bumper. It like riped it away from the hood and messed it up to where I can't open my driver side door.

So what am I supposed to do?

I know who did it. All they gave me was their name and cell # and said their insurance was through Geico. They wouldn't let me call the cops because the guy who the truck belonged to was drinking and his wife was driving. But his wife isn't on his insurance. so idk what to do.

This is a DRIVEWAY. Not in the street. It is in their YARD! Where people park. Not anywhere close to a PUBLIC highway or paved road. This is a dirt road and grass driveway! Hello? Is there anyone that understands that? Plz help! Thnx




  1. Call your insurance company and tell them what happened. Ask them what to do. If you have witnesses there shouldn't be a problem with Gieco paying the claim. I personally having had this experience once with a broken window from a guy running a weed eater by my car. Same thing..he gave me his info. HE called his insurance company and told them what happened. I called his insurance company. They of course gave me c**p. I then told them that I would call there client and he will pay out of his pocket if you don't fix my window. That was the end of that conversation. They didn't want to make their client mad and maybe lose a customer. they wrote me a check and mailed it to me for the amount of the estimate. The people that hit you NEED to call there insurance company first. If they don' call your insurance company and they will fix your car and go after them for recovery or you can go get an estimate..take them to small claims court and you will win. Don't say a word about alcohol. let the people that hit you tell their insurance company what ever lie it is they want to tell for not calling the police. Maybe they didn't think that they had to because it happened on private property.

  2. then you was a fool for not calling so now all you can do is turn it in to your insurance company and hop ethey find the guy  if everything was right .. you dont know nothing  til they get the paper work going... is why everyone says call the cops when things like this happens.. your about screwed really so they was drinking and driving and you know they hit your car and you didnt cal the cops what a dumb thion gto do really.. if she wasnt on his insurance then your really screwed i just wonder how many other cars or people they run into and got away.. think girl used your head they was drunk and driving and they hit your car and you let them drive away..

  3. Call your insurance and their insurance.  If you don't want to report them to the police, the claim will be on your insurance only.  Give witness info to your insurance company so that you are not liable.

  4. I would cry if I were you.  That solves every problem.

  5. You can still call the police and ask for an accident report to be filed.  Chances are the people who hit you will be given a citation for leaving the scene of an accident.  Then once you have the report, contact their insurance company to open a claim.  It'll probably be treated like a parking lot accident, since those are considered on private property, too.

  6. the person who hit his parked car that was in the driveway would get accounted for WRECKLESS happened to me.

  7. As long as they have Liability insurance, you'll be fine.  

    You've got their name and number, but you need their insurance policy number, too, so you can file a claim.

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