
What do you do if your bf or hub is constantly looking up p**n?

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What do you do if your bf or hub is constantly looking up p**n?




  1. Watch it with him!

    me and my bf would watch p**n together.  c:

    If it bothers you, though, bring it to his attention.

  2. Show him the sites I like best and get it on!

  3. Personally and morally, I think it is wrong to indulge in p**n.  Seems to me that a man (real man, not a boy) would have self-will and self respect to control his behavior.

    I know a lot of men struggle with this and (as a man) I can see the "cheap" thrill.  But an affair is an affair.  It can be physical, emotional or (in this age) technical.  But he is still lusting and the lust is not directed at his wife.

    My recommendation is to seek counseling.  However, even this will probably not correct the issue.  He needs a life changing event and will only find that through Faith.

  4. See which ones he really liked and find ways to do them in bed.  Take him out to the store and buy p**n that we can both enjoy. Watch it with him.  Sadly, I've always been the p**n fan in my relationships.

    Now, if he would rather watch p**n then have s*x with me, I'd dump him.  Who needs that?

  5. OK first of don't get all freaked out. Just because he's looking at p**n doesn't mean he doesn't think your attractive. Guys don't want to bug their girlfriends to much for s*x, because they know it wont get them anything. I mean guys have a need to look at naked women thats how the world works. its not strange, he doesn't have a mental problem or anything, he's just controlling his urges.

    Call me wrong, but i think women blow the whole p**n thing out of proportion, because i hear the same question over and over, when it isn't even an issue.

  6. Recommend he watch a more wholesome video:

  7. well, i would look at it, try to copy what they do and do that to my husband on my s*x nite

  8. Nothing. He has his hobbies, and I have mine. Who cares.  

  9. I think I love Sunbun.

  10. You could sit down next to him and just watch him look it up.  I bet he'll stop or you'll become a p**n critic.

  11. Get a hobby or go hang out with all the other women who's hubby are watching p**n.

  12. Be glad he's not out banging someone else...

  13. try something new and enjoy it with him... the least you can do it tell him how you feel ..... but a guy is going to be a guy and theres thing that you just cant fix

  14. Look at it together. Find p**n you can both enjoy.

  15. start looking up p**n of guys with huge you know 'whats'...Or just watch some with him and enjoy!  Everyone needs a little 'spark' in that dept. now and then.  

  16. dump them

  17. get involved

  18. I have mixed feelings on that.  If my husband is looking at p**n oh maybe twice a week for just a little while then I wouldn't care however if it is interfering with my s*x life and he is on it all the time then I would be furious and upset.  I think men are going to look however when that comes before me (pardon the pun lol) then he will know I am not happy.

  19. Live with it or get rid of the computer.

    He will never change btw once that c**p is embedded in his head its always something he craves.

    He fantasizes about that c**p while being with you as well.

    Think about it he doest think of you in a sexual way when hes looking that up or when hes with you he cant think of you even if he wanted to.

    And for all the broads that say join him are a poor excuse for a wife that stands by her man even when he cheats. Dummies! Listen to them and you will soon be on here crying for a bigger cheating reason.

  20. I'd watch it with him. it brings spice into a relationship. but if you have a problem with it, you need to tell him how you feel. another fun game is to try to find really weird insane p**n and try to have a contest to see who can find the best one. once i found a porno of a guy ******* e.t. i won that night.

  21. I would enjoy it with him....!!!!!!


  22. He wouldn't because he knows it is poison.  IF for some reason he did start doing that, he knows he would be thrown out the door in a nano second.  

  23. watch with him, and give him better websites or movies~~

  24. i haven't answered one like this for a long time so it might not be very good k here my answer is lol. dump him he has no business on those SICK SICK sites plus he might just like you for you body sound shocking

    well more than likely he does only like you for you body i will not go deep into that but if i was you i would just dump him before he has you laying  

    on a bed you know having FUNNN you know what i mean think about that one no i am not kidding. first of ll if people wouldn't put that """" on the internet in the first place the actually if there wasn't p**n  there would be a lot less rape because people wouldn't have the will to see nudity there for if people never seen nudity there would be a lot less rape at least thats my theory. i am srry to say this but dump him.    


  25. This is a hard subject, considering most women don't even realize that there man is doing that until he has been doing it for awhile, My b/f was a p**n freak, until it drove me away and we broke up for awhile (6 months) i was seeing someone else and we talked the whole time we were broke-up, and we both still loved each other got back together on the terms me or p**n, he picked me.

    So that's one option, or you can go vindictive like my sis she put Vics vapor rub in her husbands lotion. He was in Pain for hours. or you can suck it up and play along in p**n watching, tell him you'll watch it with him and act out some of the stuff your watching if he cuts back on how much he is watching.

  26. Join him....

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