
What do you do if your breaks stop working while driving in the middle of the highway?

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driving school quiz today




  1. I don't know what the teacher would say.  But I would put on trouble light, signal rt turn into slow lane, if there is room to come off road to side do so,  use gears to slow down car, and slowly engage handbrake.  If handbrake doesn't not work, pray!

  2. Much will depend on the speed, traffic conditions and road surface...But to answer your question (without knowing what the choice of answers were)...1. tap your brakes repeatedly to try and recover some braking capability; 2. activate emergency flasher (the turn indicator will not operate while the flashers are on); 3. maintain control of the vehicle; 4. if using automatic transmission, downshift on the gearshift from D to the next position, usually 4 or 3, then downshift again as you are getting out of traffic (if using manual or stick shift, downshift to next lower gear while maneuvering to the shoulder)...Last ditch options - repeatedly honk your horn to let those around you know that you have a problem; if the brakes are completely gone, you will probably have to hit something - look for objects that will help you stop, such as a curb or wall to sideswipe...Remember - you don't care about the welfare of the vehicle at this point - you just want to get it stopped...This applies mostly to smooth, straight and level roads...If you are going up or down hill, it will be a different set of circumstances to deal with.

    All the best

  3. Hit the emergency brake once your out of traffic, if that doesn't work put your car in a lower gear and scrape something like a freeway divider or guard rail without going through it and that might help to slow your speed, I've heard of a semi doing that his brakes went out and the driver scraped his truck along the freeway divider and it stopped him.  Overall stay calm.  Good luck

  4. Don't panic.  Remember to keep paying attention

    Use the parking brake to slow down.  Shift to lower gears to help slow down the car too. Make your way to the right shoulder and park well out of traffic.

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