
What do you do if your cat dies at home?

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I have 5 cats at home, the oldest is 16. I am terrified that someday, one of them is going to die in my home. What would I do with the body? Has this ever happened to anyone else?




  1. It depends on what you want for your cat... You can bury the cat. Or you can take the cat to your vet and have them properly dispose of the cat. Or you can have them cremate the cat. They have 2 options for the Cremating... You can do a Group Cremating. Where they cremate the cat with other cats. We did this with my parents last cat. We figured that way he wasnt alone (lol). Or you can have a private cremation done and you will get the ashes back. This is the most expensive and will cost close to $200. Our last 2 dogs we did this with when they passed on...

  2. Call your local animal control and let them know your fears. They could have a suggestion. Sometimes, if an animal is having issues it is best to put them down to relieve their and your suffering.

  3. This is a discussion you should have with your cats' vet.  Heck, as mom to a 17-year-old cat, it's a discussion I should have with HER vet.

    Depending on where you live and other factors, your vet will advise you on what to do should you come home and discover your kitty has passed.  Hopefully, you will not face this situation and you will be able to comfort your cats in their last moments.

  4. I assure you I swear to god this is true ok. I have had over 19 different pets, there is a curse in my family. I had 3 cats all looke3d the same and ALL of them got hit bye cars. I even named them all whiskers. I have a 4th one that looks the EXACT same as all of the other 3 cats, but I do not call it whiskers. It's still living and doing fine. I have had hamsters goldfish budgies rabbits dogs and cats die on me so many times. They all get to be very old and i can understand that you are worried. If you don't think that you can handle it when your cats die, then maybe call one of your relatives to help out with taking the body away. I have a special sanctuary where ALL of my dead pets are buried. Maybe you could find a special place to. Even if an animal dies. It's love for you or it;s kindness never dies. Even in death. I hope my information helped you.

  5. Do you want to know WHY the pet died?  If so, then you need to take the remains to the vet for a complete necropsy - this includes cultures and histologies of major organs if the cause is not obvious.

    In most areas, it is illegal to bury a pet in your yard.

    That said, are you living in an apartment? or are you living somewhere you plan to stay?

    If you are in your own home, and plan to stay there - don't advertise it, but, you can bury the animal in your yard.  (I have done this several times, but I've run out of yard, so I now cremate).

    If you are in a rental property, or somewhere you don't plan to live for the rest of your life, have the pet cremated. Crematories can do a private - expensive - or multiple cremation, that includes, typically ,two other animals where there is a very limited co-mingling of the ashes.  You essentially get your own pet in the cremains.  This is considerably less than the private cremation.  Then you will have your pet's ashes to take with you.

    Talk to your vet regarding your concerns, and make a mutual decision how you should handle this.

  6. Most towns allow you to bury your pets, but not all of them; those that have ordinances usually have a part of the city set aside for pet burials. Contact your city's animal control office for information on your community.

    You can also contact animal control to ask them to pick up the body for disposal if you do not wish to bury your cat.

  7. call the vet they might come and pick it up and burn him or her

  8. its really up to you

    my oldest cat was 19 and he was getting really old and deaf he started to suffer so we decided to take him to the vets

    he then got put down

    we have always put the cats in a towel and then buried them in the garden but deep down because the foxes may dig it back up

  9. bury it in the PET CEMETERY!!!!!!

  10. bury it in your garden or  dispose it.

  11. bury it in the neighbors yard

  12. You can look up cat crematoriums and you can cremate it and then you can bury the ashes or throw it in the ocean!

    I'm Sorry and I hope that I helped you!

  13. bury it. or eat its liver. lol

  14. Throw out the oldest one to create am impression that you are setting it free

  15. Give the cat a burial.  If it upsets you to do this then have a friend bury.  Mourne in your own way.  I had a cat die and my daughter was upset.  We buried the cat and explained that the cat had gone to heaven.

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