
What do you do if your child hit another child?

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I just found out my 5 year old daughter was pinching another little girl for the past 2 days. The other girl has burses all over her arms and belly. I am horrified that my daughter did this to another child. I talked to her about hitting and pitching, and explained that if she did this again that she would be removed from the after school program. I took away her Nintendo DS and her TV privileges. I am making her apologize to the little girl tomorrow, but it does not seem like enough. I asked for the other mother's phone number, but they said that could not give out that information due to their privacy policy. What else should I do?




  1. Meet the mother at the after school daycare and apologize in person and make your daughter apologize too.

    Tell her your daughter is being punished, then talk to the people in charge and ask them why they let it go on for 2 days?

    Then warn your daughter if it happens again, she will get a spanking and lose her games and privileges for a week.

  2. I think you did the right thing. You might also have your daughter write a letter apologizing to the little girl she hurt.

  3. It sounds like you are doing right.....My only thing to say is that you need to make sure you stick with your punishment, and follow up, make sure she isn't hitting and pinching again....You did fine though...

  4. It sounds like you are on the right track just make sure that you stick to the punishment! Make her go without her DS for at least a few days!

  5. If the teacher told or wrote to you about the pinching, he/she must have also mentioned what is expected now of you/your child.  

    I would follow up seriously on the privileges taken away consequence. My child would draw a picture and write a couple of sentences saying sorry, and give that to the other child.

    I would also try to find out what caused my child to do this. Did she do it just to this kid? Was the other kid totally blameless?  These would be for my own knowledge, and my child would not know about these.  To her the  moral would be "pinching/hitting is not OK, period".

    In most of such situations the teacher only lets you know what your child did. The other parent might get to know what that child did. At least that is the way it is in my kid's school.

    I would not go out of the way to contact the other parent.  You tried to get the number. that is good enough.

    It might make you feel better to contact that parent to apologise and express your regret at the incident, but in this day/age of knee-jerk suing, that might backfire.

  6. Most children pinch./bite/hit at that age. You can try GENTLY yet firmly pinching your child and saying "How does that feel? We don't pinch people!". Then hug her and say "We use gentle hands with people".

  7. You should woop her because thats your daughter you have the priveleges to woop her if that does not work pinch her to let her see how it feels to be pinched or either get the lil gurl to pinch her so she can see how it feels to be pinch if u need more info email me at

  8. i whould call the other parnernt and tell them what happend and you are sorry and ground her.

  9. You could find out the name of the parents and get the number off the internet. You could also write them a note and put your name and number on it and tell them to contact you, leave it with the teacher and have the teacher deliver it for you.

    Kids are rough, and a 5 year old can sometimes be violent and cruel. My daughter at 5 was not like this. I imagine that there are a lot of shows and video games that are violent and teach this sort of behavior. Though I see that my son started to act evil after I let him watch Superman, Batman, and Power Rangers. Now I do not let him see those shows as much because he has tried to kill his sisters several tmes because of the things he saw.

    I think that taking these things away is a good idea, making her apologize is also a good idea. Later they may become good friends. I hope that this helps. Good luck!

  10. Place a call to your daughter's pediatrician.  It is one thing to hit (some kids do, most don't, by age five), but it is another thing to punch so hard that bruises are left.  Your daughter may have another issue to contend with - perhaps she is being bullied herself, or is extremely angry about something, or has problems controlling her impulses.

    of course she needs to be disciplined, but never give her the impression that you don't love her.  Be well.

  11. try to contact the other girls mother, say like a confrence at the school or where ever this takes place. Have a talk with her. Then After words have a firm talk to you child. Not Violent, but firm. There is no need for yelling for that will scare her, there fore she will end up crying. Tell her it is wrong to pinch/hit other people. Ask her if she wanted you to do the same to her. You could possibly ground her if you wish. Count how many bruises she has and you can ground her for how ever many brusies she has, it can end up being days or weeks, but that's totally up to you. If it was my parents and I did that when I was young they would have spanked me. That's how I got my lessions learned. But this is totally up to you.

    I hope that this helped you.

  12. Wait for the mother to pick up her child or find out the time she picks up and speak to her in person, was your daughter provoked in any way,

    explain to your daughter if what she was doing, was done to her how would she feel.

    i had this problem with my 3yr old when i asked this question he took a different view and never did it again.

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